Vice President Joe Biden leans in to say something to Maggie Coons, next to her father Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., after Biden administered the Senate oath to Coons during a ceremonial re-enactment swearing-in ceremony, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015, in the Old Senate Chamber of Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

In an interview with former Clinton communications director, fraudulent “middle of the road” journalist George Stephanopolous, President Joe Biden said that if the claims made by the accusers were credible, that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should resign”. He also added that “he’d probably be prosecuted too”.

Of course, Stephanopolous made NO MENTION of the INSANE Cuomo admin. policy of sending the sick into New York nursing homes. Stephanopolous made no mention of the administration’s cover up of as much as 50% of the total deaths in the nursing homes.

This is the real reason that Cuomo should be impeached. A tragic example of how corrupt the Democrats are ALL ACROSS OUR COUNTRY!

It wan’t just Cuomo who sent the sick into nursing homes. It was Whitmer in Michigan, Murphy in New Jersey, Wolf in Pennsylvania, and Newsom in California. All Democrat. All sent sick into nursing homes, driving up the death count and killing thousands of Americans.

Of course, the media will pivot away from this fact. They would rather make the impeachment of Cuomo a #metoo feel good story. Not to say that Cuomo should not pay for his obvious abuse of power and sexual harassment, but killing thousands of people is definitely a larger crime.

If we are to believe Joey, and say that he truly feels that Cuomo should resign, the question has to be asked….


Creepy Joe Biden video: Pro-Trump PAC releases "creepy Joe" ad in the wake  of Biden allegations of inappropriate behavior - CBS News

Joe has been famous for being a total creep for years. He sniffs, he grabs, and he holds on. If he is doing this stuff on national TV, imagine what he is doing off camera. Joe Biden SHOULD RESIGN!

It seems that Hillary was very familiar with creepy Joe back in her 2016 campaign. Watch him hold on to her for what seems like an eternity.

Witness says Cuomo made unwanted advance toward woman during 2019 wedding -  CNNPolitics

This is a photo from one of the Cuomo accusers.

Southwest Airlines, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, measles: Monday's news

How is THIS any different??????

9 Times Joe Biden Creepily Whispered in Women's Ears

These are CHILDREN. If anything, what Joe Biden has done, just on camera, in his 48 year career is WORSE than what Cuomo did.

Photo of famously friendly Biden goes viral

Handsy Joe.

Nobody Shocked After Joe Biden Accused of Sexual Assault by Tara Reade

We the People call for an investigation into the disgusting Joe Biden.

I am calling for Joe Biden to RESIGN from office because of these awful photos.

It is also important to drive home the fact that Cuomo needs to be impeached for his NURSING HOME SCANDAL first. We MUST not let the Democrats, who killed thousands with their reckless and insane policies, get away with their crimes against humanity. IMPEACH THEM ALL! WOLF, WHITMER, NEWSOM, CUOMO, MURPHY



PS: WHERE IS HUNTER BIDEN? Seems like we should be aware of the whereabouts of the most corrupt crack head in our country’s history! (who, once again, has access to the White House)


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