By: Marc King

An interesting bit of news hit the wires this week. It was about the election so it was ignored by the mainstream media. However, the story had a compelling piece of information and it deserves to be repeated so the American people can understand what was done to them on November 3, 2020.

Here is the headline:

“Census reveals weird anomaly: Shows millions less voted in 2020 election than official tally …”

May 4, 2021 – The Election Wizard

US Census data released last week called into question the official vote tally from the 2020 election. As part of the Census, the government collects data on citizens who self-report as having voted in presidential elections. The collected data shows an unusual anomaly in the reported results. According to the Census, the recorded number of people voting in 2020 was tallied at 154,628,000. On the other hand, official results place the number of actual ballots cast slightly north of 158 million. That’s a discrepancy of nearly four million votes.

Now the Census Bureau is not exactly a “Right Wing” organization.

In fact, there is good reason to believe that it is a component of the “SWAMP” and that the results and reporting of the 2020 Census were intentionally delayed till President Trump was out of office.

This ensured that the counting of people in the United States in 2020 would include illegal aliens … something President Trump would not permit.

So, what exactly does this all mean …

“Speaking to pollster Richard Baris during an episode of “Inside the Numbers,” lawyer Robert Barnes said historically, the Census tends to “pin on the nose” the recorded vote numbers with the actual results. In other words, often the two data sets reasonably match.”

Robert Barnes goes on in the interview to inform us that …

“Of course, sometimes the Census has missed the mark. But for decades, in almost every case where the Census grossly botched the results, it was because the bureau over-recorded the number of those who voted.”

But that was not the case in 2020 — In 2020 the Census Bureau tells us that “there are there five million more ballots counted in the presidential election than reported voting according to the Census data, which has almost always been accurate?” Amazingly the Census Bureau under reported “almost exactly the number of questionable Biden ballots?”

It should be noted that since 1992 the Census has over recorded the votes in Presidential elections some 5 times — 1992, 1996, 2004, 2012 and 2016. “In fact, even in 2016 where the Census was quite close, it still over-recorded the official election results.”

Barnes goes on to tell us that —

“It’s as good of evidence as you could possibly have that there were five million … questionable ballots … that the Census itself says are counting votes of people who claim they didn’t vote.”

Don’t believe it — here is the Census Bureau website:

Check it out for yourself! The data does not lie!

However, the Socialist Democrats do — and I would recommend that the Director of the Census Bureau, a Presidential appointee, should be very careful after releasing this data.




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