You cannot shutdown an economy and pass out money using the government. It leads to rampant inflation, starvation, and catastrophe. That is what we are starting to see now!
Consumer prices rose just 0.7% in March, compared with 4.2% in April. This is the largest increase in CPI since 2008.
The money that Americans are using to purchase goods is less valuable by the day. Our government has caused this. When the government continually spends money that it doesn’t have, each dollar becomes less valuable.
We are now starting to see the effects of Socialism. Even though most of the ‘American Rescue Plan’ hasn’t hit the economy yet, we are still seeing prices rise. This is just the beginning.
Once the voluminous spending bills start taking effect, we will see inflation like never before. The prices of gas, food, and everyday materials will skyrocket.

It has already hit some industries. Shortages and price mark-ups are the new normal for contractors. They are paying up to 4x normal prices for everyday supplies.
You cannot just magically create money without monumental economic consequences. It won’t be the politicians that pay, but the people. It will be everyday men and women that bear the burden of our leader’s stupidity.
We need America First candidates that will put the needs of the American people at the TOP of the priority list, instead of establishment figures that put us LAST. CPI should be at the heart of nearly all policy debates. It is something that effects EVERY American, yet it hardly mentioned.
Our leaders DON’T CARE about us. That is why we need AMERICA FIRST candidates.
With the largest consumer price index increase in over a decade, the facts are clear!