The 2020 election was like nothing that we have ever seen before. Many Americans went to bed thinking that their current President, Donald Trump, was re-elected. As we all know, that didn’t happen. The corruption and madness of this election brought Launch Liberty into the fight. The deceit and lies brought so many people into the game with the sworn goal of ensuring that something like the 2020 election never happens again.

This week, we got a little closer to victory.

Republicans in Georgia were able to pass sweeping voting reform including many things republicans have been fighting for since November 4th, 2020.

They include

1) Voter I.D. Requirements For Absentee Voting

Voter I.D. was previously required for in person voting in Georgia, but now a valid I.D. will be required to request and submit a ballot. This ends the ballot harvesting loophole that allowed democrats to steal the state of Georgia in 2020.

The previous system of verification was a signature verification system, which allowed for higher numbers of fraudulent ballots.

You need an I.D. to fish, hunt, drive, buy a beer, buy a pack of cigarettes, or even buy medicine. There is absolutely no reason that an I.D. isn’t required to vote, besides outright FRAUD.

2) Removes Secretary Of State From Top of Election Board

The Secretary of State will no longer be the head of the election board. In 2020, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger refused to review the vote tallies in a now infamous phone call with President Trump. The media carpet bombed us with coverage of that call. What they failed to tell you was that President Trump was referring to the amount of votes that the secretary of state office ADMITTED were fraudulent.

Trump was looking at a total of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, asking for the 90,000 or so that he needed.

The Secretary of State, a non elected official, will no longer be in charge of elections. That power will be instead correctly bestowed upon the State Legislator, an elected body, as prescribed by the Constitution.

3) Expands Early Voting

Though the democrat-media complex will spin a tale of lies about this part of the bill, it actually does expand early voting.

As you can see, it expands opportunities for people to vote on the weekends, early, to avoid a similar situation to 2020.

Democrats Go CRAZY Over This Kind Of Law And Order

Democrats wasted no time losing their collective minds over the passing of this bill. CNN is running INSANE headlines today comparing these simple voting reforms to the JIM CROWE LAWS.

Voter I.D is not Jim Crowe. Obviously. The democrats say things like that when their back is against the wall. They will NEVER be able to steal the state of Georgia again, and they know it. That is why they kick, and scream, and writhe around on the floor like toddlers, screaming ‘RACIST’.

Do not fear them, my friends. Like hyenas, they will show their ugly teeth, they will snarle, and they will growl… but they ain’t NOTHING. These people are corrupt losers. Empty suits. They are spoiled children who have gotten away with their crimes because the good people of this country were distracted.

We aren’t distracted anymore. All of the data shows it. People are turning on the matrix of the democrat media complex.

Sites like Launch Liberty are BOOMING. Sites like the NYT are DYING.

This is a new era of American politics. An era of the people, by the people and for the people. Politics is replacing baseball as the American past time, and it’s causing the elites to PANIC.

This voter reform bill is the first victory in what will be a line of many victories. Not just for a single political party, but for America. Regardless of your party, you have to admit that this bill will help curtail voter fraud. It just so happens that one party, in particular, benefits from voter fraud.

Let the CNN’s of the world scream their talking points to empty crowds of airport TVs while their network sinks below the icy water. Let them call you racist, it’s complete bullshit. They are the party of slavery, jim crow laws, and the KKK.

Robert Byrd, Longest-Serving U.S. Senator, Dies At 92 : NPR
KKK Democrat Robert Byrd.

Robert Byrd, Democrats? Did you think we FORGOT? Joe Biden and Barack Obama EULOGIZED this man, just a FEW YEARS AGO. A KKK MEMBER.

We know EXACTLY who you are democrats, and we are politically suffocating your corruption ONE STATE AT A TIME.


By spreading our links and articles, you are helping to shatter the media control and help us grow. Together, we will take back America. Big Tech doesn’t like us, I don’t have to tell you that. That’s why we need you to share!
Launch Liberty and SPREAD THE TRUTH!



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