Dirk Haire, MDGOP Chair and subject of many Launch Liberty investigations, has decided to not seek re-election for his position in the upcoming 2022 Maryland Republican Convention.
This comes after Launch Liberty released a scathing video review of the 2022 Midterm results in Maryland, and the MDGOP’s failure to maintain the slim majority they had in the Maryland State House.
Despite raising over $1 million through the State Party, Dirk Haire’s MDGOP lost 10 seats in the Maryland Legislature this cycle alone.
Watch that video here below
Launch Liberty revealed Dirk Haire exceeded legal donation limits to Republican Congressional Candidate Nicolee Ambrose. We revealed these facts before Ambrose even won the primary.
We then called out Haire for endorsing and supporting candidates in contested primaries, like Nicolee Ambrose and Kelly Schulz, which is a total violation of the Republican Party bylaws.
Launch Liberty also revealed Haire’s funding of fake anti-establishment failed candidate Antonio Pitocco.
Besides donations made by Haire, Launch Liberty has routinely reported on the open corruption in the Maryland Republican Party, totally ignored and sanctioned by Dirk Haire.
Launch Liberty also revealed that Haire, who controls the Republican State Central Committee fund, gave Larry Hogan some $1.1 Million in 2018, yet gave $0 to 2022 Nominee Dan Cox.
Launch Liberty has also been the only outlet to cover the fact that MDGOP Treasurer Chris Rosenthal worked as the campaign treasurer for criminal Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh.
Rosenthal has served as the Treasurer of the MDGOP for the entire 6 year reign of Dirk Haire.
This is the same MDGOP who sat back as Governor Hogan locked businesses down, forced masks and vaccines, and used law enforcement to intimidate and harass the people of Maryland and did nothing.
They allowed for a tyrannical Governor to destroy our State. Enriching themselves in the process. As pointed out in the Republican State Central Committee article, Dirk Haire controls millions of dollars because of his position.
He used his position to destroy any candidate who supported Donald Trump, a fact that Haire completely disregards and misrepresents in his statement about deciding not to run.
Possibly the most poignant evidence proving this fact is the money that was dumped into his own wife’s campaign for Anne Arundel County Executive. Gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox had only around $200k in expenditures. For a statewide office!

Jessica Haire, for a County Office, had over $500k in expenditures. The Haire’s, in this election cycle, chose to benefit themselves over the health of the party. The people will suffer greatly for it.

The full statement, obtained from multiple sourced within the MDGOP, reads…
It has been an honor to be your State Party Chairman the last six years. However, I am not going to run for another term. There are a number of reasons why I’ve come to that decision – some personal and some political.
On the personal side, my paid job is as an attorney, and like all of you I am a political volunteer. From that standpoint, being the State Party Chairman takes time that I could otherwise devote to my job and my family. While I believe in the mission of limited government and freedom, I also believe in efficiency, chain-of-command, and discipline. I’ve seen very little of that within the Party the last six years, and it’s gotten even worse in the last two years.
That leads me to my observations about the current political climate in Maryland. Probably more than anyone else, I’ve spent the last six years trying to support both Governor Hogan and President Trump. You will note that I have only said positive and supportive things in the media and press about both of these Republican leaders. That’s because the role of a Party official is to support its nominees, regardless of a Party official’s personal viewpoints. My personal opinions on Hogan and Trump don’t matter to my duties as Party Chairman. And your personal views don’t matter as to your duties as a State Central Committee member.
Unfortunately, too many involved in the Party do not share my view. And it goes both ways. For every Trump supporter who tells me I need to condemn Hogan in the name of the party, there is a Hogan supporter who tells me I need to condemn Trump in the name of Party unity. In reality, neither one of these things serves Party unity, but rather extends the disunity that each side claims to want to fix. Politically speaking, we live in a state with 2.2 million Democrats and 1.0 Republicans. Given these numbers, it seems obvious that all Republicans must stick together to have a chance at effectiveness. Yet, to my point of Party discipline (or more accurately the lack thereof), in the general election too many “Hogan” supporters were attacking our perceived “Trump” aligned candidates, and too many “Trump” supporters were attacking our perceived “Hogan” aligned candidates. In this context, it is also notable that the Democrats immediately coalesced around their candidates after the primary from the Governor candidate and on down the ticket. The results speak for themselves.
I hope that during the next four years all State Central Committee members will set aside personal agendas and grievances and find a way to work together to elect all of our Republican nominees, and stop with the counterproductive and petty nonsense. If all of you succeed on this, we will have legitimate opportunities to win many meaningful races across Maryland. If, instead, you insist on continuing with the circular firing squad, you can be certain that we will continue to have losses in voter registration and be unable to compete effectively in meaningful races in swing districts and statewide.
I wish you luck in your task.
Dirk Haire
Maryland Republican Party
There is no doubt that Launch Liberty has played a significant role in putting pressure on this man, and the rest of his MDGOP friends by shining the spotlight on their corruption.
You will not find any other outlet more dedicated, with a better track record, of exposing the truth. This organization has been built from the ground up, and the results of our tireless efforts are now being seen throughout the political landscape.
It is only truth. My only goal is to arm you, the people, with the facts and evidence to take back your State, and your country. Please continue to support our efforts.
This is a major victory.