It must be nice to be absolutely untouchable. It doesn’t matter that Hunter Biden was caught making hundreds of millions using his father’s influence in the Ukraine. He walks free. He not only walks free, but in a VERY expensive neighborhood.

Hunter Biden is reportedly renting a home in Venice, Calif. for $25,000 per month.

Hunter Biden is reportedly living in this house on a Venice Beach Canal in Venice Beach, California.

Daily Mail reported that the Biden’s are reportedly paying $25,000 PER MONTH in rent. Hunter moved in to the house at the end of 2020, after his father Joe had been successfully installed President.

This is amazing corruption, considering that the White House JUST FIRED several staffers over PAST pot use. Maybe Joe Biden should resign for his PAST CORRUPTION. His son was found to have been bribed by several Chinese companies just for “introductions” while Joe Biden was President. Hunter received a position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, for up to $50,000 per month.

How the White House can FIRE staffers for past pot use, while Joe Biden’s family is provably smoking crack in the Ukraine in the past is quite astounding. It shows how much they care about normal people.

While the government continues to lock down our country, bankrupt our businesses, and ruin our fossil fuel industry, Hunter Biden is living in absolute luxury at taxpayer expense. Not to mention his private security detail, 100% taxpayer funded.

Joe Biden's son, his crack pipe - and a new low in the dirtiest US election  writes TOM LEONARD | Daily Mail Online

Think of the media. Think of the smallest things that they used to attempt to tear down Donald Trump. They attempted to bastardize an entire movement with the fake charges. These are real, and the media is SILENT.


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