When we first heard of Coronavirus, many of us thought it was a joke. It sounded like the beer brand. It was far away. The World Health Organization claims that China first reported a small cluster of the pneumonia-like illness on December 31st, 2019. However, The South China Morning Post reported that China had knowledge of the virus weeks before it reported to the World Health Organization. The report claims that China had prior knowledge of the virus, but allowed it to spread before reporting it to the world. Think of the time. The heaviest travel time of the year. They let basically every major holiday pass before they even admitted they knew about it.
Any person who reads these direct contradictions should be alarmed. Whether you believe the Coronavirus is actually a plague (which it isn’t, just look at the homeless. They seem to be doing fine with only 23 of 200,000 dying of Covid in 2020) you have to admit that the idea of China holding back information about an unknown pneumonia-like illness is pretty sinister.
On January 14th, 2021, China claims to have only 55 cases of live Coronavirus.

This picture was taken at a concert in Wuhan, China, the supposed scene of the creation of the virus on New Years Day, 2021. Look at the crowd. Do you see masks? Do you see fear? Social distancing? No. They don’t seem concerned about the virus, at all. Yet they expect us to believe that this Country has only 55 cases?
Something isn’t right here. It seems that either the virus isn’t real, or China is lying with the help of the World Health Organization.
China and WHO weren’t the only perpetrator of lies.
When the virus first got here, the media told us “Have no fear, Dr. Anthony Fauci is here.” They paraded him on magazine covers.

They fawned over him.
This is Anthony Fauci. He has been involved with medicine since AIDS was a global problem. The reason you were told to believe in him was he was the current head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. While he has been with the National Institute of Health for decades, he also has a history of working with Bill Gates. Gates, who is now the top funder of the World Health Organization.
The same World Health Organization that failed to hold China accountable for knowingly spreading the Coronavirus. The connection wouldn’t seem to be that troubling, until we dig a little deeper.
In 2010 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation publishes the following. “The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines”. The article goes on to tell us who is involved in this strange project, including NIAID Director Anthony Fauci.
Now isn’t it peculiar that the guy who is serving the stated goal of “creating a decade of vaccines” is now telling us that vaccines should be mandatory.
Because of the fear created by Dr. Fauci, a man serving the stated goal of spreading vaccines, millions of people have been forced to comply with new “health” standards. Masks and tests have become the norm. In many states, Governors threaten to shut down anybody who goes against the guidelines. Fearful business owners, desperate to stay open, clamp down on their customers in desperation, only chasing them further away.
These mandates were attempted worldwide. One Government who has been against all of the Covid restrictions is the Tanzanian Government. When the President (John Magufuli) received a large number of Coronavirus test kits, he applied them to multiple non-human subjects. He sent back samples from a Papaya (the fruit), and an actual Goat.
Both tests came back positive.
After seeing this for himself, the President declined the “help” of the WHO, and went on to say that he believed the spike in cases was directly linked to the false positive rate of the tests.
People in the United States did not even try to see if the tests were fake. We just believed them. Just like the masks.
Masks spread germs. They increase the amount of times you touch your face. They are mostly reused and dirty. Medical professionals wear the N95 mask, which has been actually proven effective. All other cloth masks, paper masks, or plastic masks are not even physically capable of stopping the coronavirus. It’s a mind game.
China can party in the streets, without masks or distancing. China can claim 55 cases. China can steal our election, and we have to take it. The masks are a sign of ignorance. A lack of understanding, an obediance to the Chinese sponsored lies on television, and a direct violation of our Constitutional liberties. The fourth amendment protects us in our persons. An extension of this, HIPAA, is a law stating that all medical information is private. Vaccine ID cards are a DIRECT violation of these protections.
The Founding Fathers told us that a nation unaware of its freedoms would surely perish, and they were surely correct. What we are seeing right now is a take down. A destruction of our liberties, and people who seek to gain from it rely on ignorance to win their power.
You are protected from Tyranny, you just have to realize it.