Launch Liberty recently received a tip from a local Maryland Republican candidate who won her race for County Commissioner in Worcester County, Caryn Abbott. Despite the bloodbath that took place in the 2022 midterms for Maryland Republicans, Abbott was able to steer her campaign to a victory.
This victory was in no way facilitated by the MDGOP, or their leadership. Commissioner-Elect Abbott has provided detailed evidence that 3rd Vice Chair of the MDGOP, Gary Michael Collins, took money from her campaign for a mailer service that he never provided.
Collins serves as the 3rd Vice Chair, a powerful position within the MDGOP. It has been verified by Launch Liberty that Collins repeatedly referred to himself as a Vice Chair of the MDGOP throughout his communications with Caryn Abbott. Is Collins representing himself, or the MDGOP?
I had Commissioner-Elect Abbott on my show today to discuss the events in detail, and have embedded the communications and screenshots within the video. That can be viewed directly below.
There were two separate transactions recorded to the Maryland State Campaign Finance reporting system, each submitted by the Abbott campaign. The first payment was for a mailer that Abbott can confirm the existence of. It is pictured below.
Launch Liberty confirmed through the Maryland Campaign Finance system that this transaction occurred on September 30th, 2022. A second occurred on October 14th, 2022.
Caryn Abbott confirmed on my show that not a single constituent she was in contact with received the 2nd, or 3rd mailer that was paid for by the second payment of $3500.
We have obtained an official receipt showing that this money was sent to Gary Collins under a company called ‘Red Tsunami Strategies’, a company registered in Delaware to a shell corporation.
Below is the text message confirming that Collins was directing Abbott to pay this money to his company ‘Red Tsunami Strategies’, the account numbers have been blurred for privacy.
Why would a Maryland Republican Leader be getting candidates to wire him money to a shell corporation based in Delaware for a campaign expenditure? One can only imagine.
Once the money was wired to Red Tsunami, and Mrs. Abbott was able to confirm the fact that nobody had received her 2nd or 3rd mailers, Mrs. Abbott reached out to Collins requesting a refund for her second payment of $3500. Collins became enraged.
In an email obtained by Launch Liberty, Collins openly states that he ‘took money from his own pocket’ in order to facilitate these printing deals on behalf of the Caryn Abbott campaign.
That is an in-kind contribution. Multiple times in the email attached directly below, Collins makes the statement that he spent money on the Abbott campaign. Why does Collins claim to have spent his own money when Caryn Abbott had already prepaid for the services?
It is against the law to not report in-kind contributions.
As you can see, directly below his statement, he adds his signature “Gary M. Collins, 3rd Vice Chairman, Maryland Republican Party”. Is he using his position to facilitate business for himself?
In a time of desperation, then-nominee Caryn Abbott turned to the 3rd Vice Chairman of her own party for help. He promised help, and did not deliver. He took the money and ran.
Not only did he take the money and failed to deliver the mailers, but after Abbott secured her victory, Collins began to claim on Facebook that he was solely responsible for the win.
The nerve of these people.
Remember, Collins serves as the 3rd Vice Chair of the MDGOP. His job is to support the nominees of his own party. Does this appear to be an act of ‘helping nominees’ to you?
“The Party shall have as its principle obligation to provide the successful Republican candidates of the primary election with a party organization of such depth and capability to ensure the maximum effort on behalf of the Republican candidates in the general election”
Article 1, Section 2, Part H of the Bylaws
Launch Liberty received communications between Collins and Abbott that show how Collins truly felt about 2022 Republican nominees Michael Anthony Peroutka and Dan Cox.
Collins slammed Gubernatorial Nominee Dan Cox as a “piece of shit”, and even went as far as to say that Larry Hogan ‘might as well be on the winning side’ by supporting Democrat gubernatorial nominee Wes Moore.
Collins also spewed false statements about Attorney General Nominee Michael Anthony Peroutka, referring to him as a ‘racist’ and an ‘anti-semite’.
How could somebody who is so openly hostile to his own party’s Republican nominees be expected to support those nominees in any way? It is central to what Launch Liberty has been reporting for months.
We were among the first to show that the MDGOP did not assist the Cox campaign in any way.
These text messages, emails, and the personal actions of 3rd Vice Chairman of the MDGOP Gary Collins, highlight a systemic problem within the Maryland Republican Party.
It shows the contempt that the elitists who control our Party truly feels towards their own voters. It is beyond disgusting.
I have far more source evidence than I have provided within this story. Luckily, with brave people like Caryn Abbott around, the truth will be told for everybody to hear. Launch Liberty will continue to expose the truth.