In a debate televised by WBAL TV 11 News, the two candidates for Governor in Maryland, Republican Dan Cox and Democrat Wes Moore, participated in their first and only debate.

This site has detailed that the Maryland Republican Establishment that funded Larry Hogan’s eight year stint as Governor is fully supporting Democrat nominee Wes Moore.

Cox based his entire primary campaign on the idea that his opponent, Kelly Schulz, was ‘Hogan 2.0’. The phrase was used relentlessly throughout the campaign.

In a campaign statement released back in March of 2022, Cox referred to Kelly Schulz as ‘Hogan 2.0’ and spoke of how Marylanders did not want another Larry Hogan.

On November 22nd, 2021 I was honored to be endorsed for Governor by President Donald J. Trump.  The next day, November 23, 2021, Governor Hogan used his state office at a press conference to announce his own support for my opponent Kelly Schulz which she posted on her Facebook as an apparent endorsement, which has been repeatedly reported as an endorsement for months without correction from Governor Hogan.  Then, he endorsed her again yesterday, March 23, 2022 in the middle of the Legislative Session in a private location in Annapolis.  I guess they think twice is a charm for a campaign that wants to be Hogan 2.0, but the People of Maryland want freedom and a return to respecting their medical privacy rights

It now appears Cox is going back on his statements about Larry Hogan.

Cox stated during the debate on Wednesday October 12th that he would give Hogan an ‘A’ for his governorship, excluding the COVID policies.

This is a shocking statement, considering Hogan has used his platform as Governor to continuously bash Cox and his supporters throughout the press.

Hogan also attended the World Economic Forum, announcing that he would be opening up Maryland’s economy to international opportunists after decimating small businesses with taxation and regulation.

When we are talking about COVID, we aren’t talking about masks either. This website has detailed the fact that a higher percentage of Marylanders died in nursing homes because of Larry Hogan’s unconstitutional orders than New Yorkers in New York.

Besides his murderous edicts during the COVID pandemic, Hogan signed a Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill. It took effect in 2018.

Hogan has also firmly stood with RINOs around the country, giving his support to Liz Cheney who has worked with Democrats to imprison Trump Supporters across the Nation.

Launch Liberty has also reported on Hogan appointee Judge Joseph Getty, and how he illegally extended deadlines during the 2022 Election.

In fact, Hogan is touring across the world right now, all in preparation for his potential 2024 run. He has been to Iowa, New Hampshire, and even South Korea.

He is not even doing his job. When he did do his job, he broke the law and violated the Constitutional Rights of every single Maryland resident.

Our latest investigation even revealed that Hogan’s campaign Treasurer in 2018, Chris Rosenthal, was also the Treasurer for the former Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh’s campaign. Pugh is now serving in federal prison on a number of corruption charges.

When Donald Trump endorsed Cox, he specifically called out Larry Hogan. Not because of his handling of COVID-19, but because of his flagrant abuse of our laws.

That endorsement, made on November 22 2021, reads

Dan Cox is an America First Patriot who is running for Governor in the Great State of Maryland. A tough lawyer, and smart businessman, Dan has done outstanding work in the Maryland General Assembly. Dan is MAGA all the way—unlike his opponent, Kelly Schultz, who was handpicked by her “boss,” RINO Larry Hogan, who has been terrible for our Country and is against the America First Movement. As a State Delegate, Dan stood up to Hogan when he was supporting and meeting with Joe Biden. Dan is for low taxes, school choice, and no more lockdowns. He supports our Military, our great Vets, our Second Amendment, which is under attack like never before, and importantly, is very strong on Election Integrity. He fought against the Rigged Presidential Election every step of the way, and will bring secure Elections back to Maryland. Dan Cox has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Trump specifically mentions the Second Amendment. Based on the statement made by Cox in this debate, we can only assume that Cox agrees with Red Flag Gun Confiscation.

How can you run an entire campaign based on being against ‘Hogan 2.0’, and then turn around and say you give Hogan an ‘A’ grade for everything except ‘the differences in opinion’ Cox has over the handling of COVID?

People in Maryland died. They lost their loved ones. It cannot be shrugged off. It can never be forgotten.

Hogan does not deserve an ‘A’, but to be behind bars.

Michael Anthony Peroutka, Republican nominee for Attorney General, said on my show that Hogan must be held accountable.

We must wonder if that is a real possibility. We must also question the reason why Dan Cox is willing to give Larry Hogan a pass on the criminal activity that has occurred over the 8 years of his governorship.

Marylanders, and Dan Cox supporters who have suffered under Hogan must surely feel betrayed.





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