Prince Phillip has died at the age of 99 this morning.

While the media mourns the loss of Phillip, claiming that he was a holy individual, I would like to point out the vile, evil, anti-human things that this man has said. I think it is unreal that the media REFUSES to cover things like this.

9 years ago, Phillip said in an interview with the BBC that ‘overpopulation’ was the biggest issue facing humanity. A theory long debunked.

Phillip went on to say with a grin that he would support ‘family limitations’. Keep in mind that Phillip himself had FOUR children, EIGHT grandchildren, and TEN great grandchildren.

Phillip also made STRANGE comments to Telegraph, stating that if he were reincarnated, that he would want to come back as a deadly virus to help solve overpopulation.

What a disgusting comment. Phillip’s hatred of humanity was on display for years… We have to ask the question,

Why does the media celebrate such an individual?


  1. Joe Biden says guns are the biggest problem while Chi nah has killed over a half million Americans with Kung Flu.
    So maybe they like the Prince?


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