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FLASHBACK: RNC Collected Over $220 Million For Legal Fees in the 2020 Election… WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?

NOTICE: Article originally written by Troy Smith on July 12th, 2021. With Ronna McDaniel running to keep her seat as Republican National Committee Chair, I felt that it was important to rerun this article… SHARE AND EXPOSE THE CORRUPT RNC! #CLEANHOUSE

The Gateway Pundit interviewed a former top Trump official this weekend. The anonymous source reported that the RNC reportedly gave up fighting for the 2020 Election on November 5th, when ballots were still being counted in Philadelphia.

The source also revealed that the RNC collected a whopping $220 Million for legal fees, yet used none of it fighting the election fraud cases following the results of the 2020 election.

That bill was left to President Trump.

The source was quoted…

Ronna McDaniel promised that RNC Chief Counsel Justin Reimer would be “gone by morning” after his email made the rounds with the Trump campaign team. Then the guy went completely dark for three or four months. But, then he reappeared with the RNC. So those are the details. That is exactly what happened.

Here is the bottom line. Ronna McDaniels and everyone in the RNC did not want us to fight for the president. They did not want to do it. This is exactly why they are not supporting Rudy. They collected $220 million for legal fees. Where did it go? Because they didn’t spend it on lawyers. That’s for sure damn sure.

There are reports out there that the RNC and the campaign, between them collected, I think it was $220 or $240 million. The one thing that is clear is Ronna McDaniel and her minions did not want anybody to fight for the president.

The source went on to say about the RNC…

I got there on the 5th. I can tell you that at the RNC headquarters they had already given up.

This report reveals the scope of the corruption going on at the RNC. Ronna McDaniel should step down immediately. The fact that she refused to stand up to blatant voter fraud shows that she has absolutely no concern over the fate of our country.

There should be a full investigation into the $220 Million+ collected by the RNC on the premise of legal fees, only to have the RNC absent of every major case against voter fraud.

The corrupt leaders of the RNC must be ousted in favor of America First patriots. We can no longer allow RINOs like Ronna McDaniel, Kevin McCarthy, and Mitch McConnell to lead our party to failure.

Ronna McDaniel is stuck between her Romney roots and Trump's Republican  Party - Los Angeles Times

We must immediately elevate those who are willing to stand up for American values. Those who will assist in the battle for the soul of this nation.

I have not, nor will I ever donate to the RNC as long as it is dominated by people like Ronna McDaniel. I would urge you to do the same. The money is simply wasted.

President Trump is the one of the only mainstream individual who is willing to continually fight to stop the theft of our election.

We should also continue to support and fund America First candidates all around our country.

We must also continue to fund audits, because our corrupt leaders continually fail to fund the most important actions of our party. OUST THE RINOS!




Shocking Document Outlines Obama-Biden Plan To Control Outcome of 2020 Election

As President Trump continues to be indicted for the incidents leading up to, and following the 2020 Election, it is important to understand the far-reaching attempts to stop Trump from winning re-election in 2020, and to prevent him from running again afterwards in 2024.

The Transition Integrity Project was a program funded and created by a larger organization called ‘Protect Democracy.’ The Transition Integrity Project conducted a series of ‘political scenario exercises’ in June of 2020, just five months before the 2020 Presidential Election.

The ‘political scenario exercises’ conducted by the Transition Integrity Project in June of 2020 are a blueprint, even with guided instructions, listing specific political officials around the Nation, in order to create a concerted effort to prevent Trump from winning re-election in 2020.

The document begins by saying….

In June 2020 the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) convened a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts in a series of 2020 election crisis scenario planning exercises. The results of all four table-top exercises were alarming. We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power.

The document even goes on to proclaim that elected officials should ‘brace’ for a ‘rocky transition period.’ That part of this report reads…

Anticipate a rocky administrative transition. Transition teams will likely need to do two things
simultaneously: defend against Trump’s reckless actions on his way out of office; and find creative solutions to ensure landing teams are able to access the information and resources they need
to begin to prepare for governing.https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/7013152/Preventing-a-Disrupted-Presidential-Election-and.pdf

This particular document was produced by a man named Norman Eisen. Eisen was the Ambassador to the Czech Republic under President Barack Obama, revealing yet another tie between the Transition Integrity Project, Protect Democracy, and the former President.

How could Eisen have known that Trump would be in a position of ‘contesting results’ all the way back in June of 2020, before the first ballot was ever cast?

Within this document, Eisen outlines several scenarios in which the Democrat Party, allied with establishment Republicans, could force Trump out of the White House. The scenarios recorded in the report include plans for the following scenarios…

As President Trump continues to be indicted for the incidents leading up to, and following the 2020 Election, it is important to understand the far-reaching attempts to stop Trump from winning re-election in 2020, and to prevent him from running again afterwards in 2024.

The Transition Integrity Project was a program funded and created by a larger organization called ‘Protect Democracy.’ The Transition Integrity Project conducted a series of ‘political scenario exercises’ in June of 2020, just five months before the 2020 Presidential Election.

The ‘political scenario exercises’ conducted by the Transition Integrity Project in June of 2020 are a blueprint, even with guided instructions, listing specific political officials around the Nation, in order to create a concerted effort to prevent Trump from winning re-election in 2020.

The document begins by saying….

In June 2020 the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) convened a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts in a series of 2020 election crisis scenario planning exercises. The results of all four table-top exercises were alarming. We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power.

The document even goes on to proclaim that elected officials should ‘brace’ for a ‘rocky transition period.’ That part of this report reads…

Anticipate a rocky administrative transition. Transition teams will likely need to do two things
simultaneously: defend against Trump’s reckless actions on his way out of office; and find creative solutions to ensure landing teams are able to access the information and resources they need
to begin to prepare for governing.https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/7013152/Preventing-a-Disrupted-Presidential-Election-and.pdf

This particular document was produced by a man named Norman Eisen. Eisen was the Ambassador to the Czech Republic under President Barack Obama, revealing yet another tie between the Transition Integrity Project, Protect Democracy, and the former President.

How could Eisen have known that Trump would be in a position of ‘contesting results’ all the way back in June of 2020, before the first ballot was ever cast?

Within this document, Eisen outlines several scenarios in which the Democrat Party, allied with establishment Republicans, could force Trump out of the White House. The scenarios recorded in the report include plans for the following scenarios…

  • -Results were unknown on election night
  • -Biden wins Electoral College and Popular Vote By ‘Healthy’ Margin
  • -Trump loses Popular Vote, but wins Electoral College
  • -Biden wins Electoral College and Popular Vote by ‘slim’ margin

The document provides advice for elected officials based on each of the scenarios above, even unveiling a plan for scenario #3 in which Democrat state legislatures would have began to pass legislation changing the way American elections are conducted, undermining the sanctity of the Electoral College, and destroying the American Republic.

That particular plan even suggested that then-candidate Biden was going to use massive demonstrations in Democrat states to pressure state legislatures into changing the way our elections work. The list of actions Biden would take in this scenario are listed below…

  • -Organizing 1,000 “influencers” to denounce efforts to steal the election.
  • -Organizing all living presidents to stand with Biden and denounce Trump administration efforts
    to subvert the democratic process.
  • -Recruiting moderate Republican Governors such as Baker (MA) and Hogan (MD) to form an
    “Election Protection” Coalition.
  • -Working with local Democratic elected officials to call on the Adjutant General of the National
    Guard, along with representatives from the technology sector, to monitor vote counting.
  • -Organizing a bipartisan “National Day for Restoration of Democracy” and a “National Day of
    Unity,” both including faith leaders.
  • -Attempting a capital strike and a work stoppage as part of an overall effort to push corporate
    leaders to insist that all ballots to be counted.

The study then warns elected officials once again, giving them specific instructions for the 2020 Election. Those instructions read…

Planners need to take seriously the notion that this may well be a street fight, not a legal battle;
technocratic solutions, courts, and a reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here.

Dedicated staff and resources need to be in place at least through the end of January.

The news media has a particular responsibility to ready the public for the possibility that results
will not be known on Election Night, to communicate election results accurately, and to plan to
cover a contested election in a manner that reduces, rather than inflames, tensions.

If there is a crisis, events will unfold quickly, and sleep-deprived leaders will be asked to make
consequential decisions quickly. Thinking through options now will help to ensure better decisions.

The list continues, reading,

State and local election officials need to communicate with the public ahead of time, clarifying
how ballots will be counted, when results might be known, and how disputes will be resolved.
State actors should understand and use the legal remedies available under state law to address
confusion and questions about the count. State actors, particularly those in swing states, should ask: What are specific political incentives
for certain actions in the post-electoral period in their state? What is the risk that the state legislature or the governor would certify a result at odds with the popular vote? What are the risks that a complete count would be thwarted? What is the history of hate crimes and other acts of targeted violence? Who are the key influencers in the media and among local activists who can affect political perceptions, and mobilize political action? Can they be approached and briefed on these issues now, to establish pre-commitments to playing a constructive role in the event of a contested election?Groups, coalitions, and networks should be preparing now to establish the necessary communications and organizing infrastructure to support mass mobilization. If there is a crisis, almost every strategy to protect the democratic process is dependent on mass mobilization, and in particular, on people taking peacefully to the streets in large numbers, potentially for an extended period. Large, base-building groups on the progressive side will need to anchor this strategy, but their success will likely depend on supporting and resourcing new and emerging racial justice leaders, many of whom are not affiliated with formal institutions and coalitions.

The report even shockingly goes on to state…

Name the elephant in the room: President Trump is not running a normal re-election campaign

This document then outlines what must happen in order to ensure that Trump is removed from office, even delving into convincing the Military to defy their Commander In Chief, rejecting any order that Trump might make. That portion reads….

Congressional leaders should conduct oversight hearings, set clear expectations ahead of time about the conduct of the election, and seek advance assurances from the military and agency heads about their plans and conduct. The Department of Homeland Security should be pushed to more vigorously investigate and publicize evidence of foreign interference.

Military and law enforcement leaders need to be particularly attuned to the possibility that parti-
san actors will seek to manipulate or misuse their coercive powers for inappropriate political
ends. Concretely, at both the state and federal level, partisan actors (including President Trump
himself) may seek to deploy law enforcement, national guard troops and potentially active duty
military (under the Insurrection Act) to “restore order” in a manner that primarily benefits one
candidate, or to participate in efforts that interrupt the process to count ballots. Military and law
enforcement leaders need to plan now for these possibilities to avoid becoming unwitting pawns
in a partisan battle.

Civil servants should be educated about their legal obligations to uphold the constitution. Those
who speak out about abuses of power may need political protection and support, and legal assistance, as they may face retaliation.

Journalists and independent watch dogs can begin to cultivate sources and research stories now so that they are positioned to sound the alarm should actors inside or outside of government attempt to discredit the legitimate results of the election

The report even goes on to state that there will be a ‘Congressional fight’ on January 6th, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. That section reads…

  • The period from November 4th to December 14th sets the stage for a potential fight in the Congress on January 6th, 2021. The scenario exercises did not have adequate representation from individual states to adequately understand how the full range of state-based institutions and actors would likely conduct themselves. Teams were often able to convince state legislatures or governors to submit a slate of electors contrary to the popular vote, but it isn’t clear how realistic this political possibility is, or if it is being actively considered by either campaign.

It is important to understand that this project was created by ‘Protect Democracy,’ a 501c organization that was started by former Obama White House counsel lawyers Ian Bassin, Justin Florence, and Emily Loeb.

Is it a coincidence that an organization started by Obama lawyers were seemingly aware of exactly what was going to happen in the 2020 Election months before it happened, or could this be shocking evidence of a concerted effort by the DNC to control the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election?

Read that full shocking report from the Transition Integrity Project Here

As Democratic politicians and their cohorts in the mainstream media continue to proclaim that it was Trump who planned to ‘steal’ the election in 2020, and the search for evidence of a plot to ‘overthrow the government’ continues to yield no results, it truly is shocking to read a report like this.

It highlights the fact that the Washington D.C. establishment politicians and bureaucrats committed the very crime that they are accusing Donald Trump of day and night.

If a document of this magnitude existed on the Trump side of the political aisle, all involved would have been indicted by now. Fortunately for Norman Eisen, Ian Bassin, Justin Florence, and Emily Loeb, it appears that there is no punishment, or even acknowledgment, for establishment interference in our elections.

Punishment only exists for those who dare to stand against the establishment’s planned detonation of our American Nation.

Perhaps ‘Protect Democracy’ and the ‘Transition Integrity Project’ are what Biden was referring to when he stated during his 2020 campaign, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” See a clip of that moment below…

Why Does MSNBC’s Ari Melber Lie About Joe Biden?

Swarmy MSNBC host Ari Melber, during a broadcast of his show The Beat with Ari Melber, made several bizarre and blandly false statements about the recently released report of Special Counsel Robert Hur, who was charged by Attorney General Merrick Garland with investigating President Joe Biden for his retention of classified and top secret documents. That shocking report revealed that investigators concluded that Biden willfully retained documents both when he was a U.S. Senator, and Vice President in violation of the law. The report also described President Joe Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” thus excusing Biden’s illegal actions and recommending that he not be prosecuted. During his interview with federal investigators, President Biden failed to remember which years he served as Vice President under Barack Obama, as well the year in which his son Beau Biden passed away.

During a press conference about the report, President Joe Biden claimed that he was exonerated, and even became visibly enraged while making the assertion that investigators asked him about the death of his son. It was later revealed that it was Biden himself who raised the issue of his son’s death rather than Special Counsel Hur’s investigators. The President angrily denied that there was anything wrong with his memory. Biden then held up a rosary that he claimed to have worn since his son died, claiming the rosary was given to him by “our Lady of……,” before trailing off because he could not remember who had given him the rosary. In the same press conference, Biden mistakenly referred to the President of Egypt as the President of Mexico all the while insisting there was nothing wrong with his memory or comprehension.

Biden told America that he “doesn’t need” anybody to remind him about the death of his son. He told an absolute lie about investigators raising the issues of his son to the American people in an attempt to gain sympathy. Biden also lied about sharing classified material with his ghost writer, which the Hur report stated, “risked serious damage to America’s national security.” New evidence, revealed by anonymous sources to NBC News, relays that it was actually Biden who first brought up the death of his son during an interview with investigators. While the Hur report was damning as it pertains to Biden’s health, it was also damning because of the conduct described by Robert Hur.

The report states, definitively, that Biden willfully retained classified documents. It also states that Biden failed to cooperate with federal authorities in a search of his Delaware home, shattering the false narrative that Biden cooperated with authorities, while former President Trump did not. Most importantly, because these documents were taken during Biden’s Vice Presidency, and Senate terms, Joe Biden had no authority to take possession of these documents. The only reason that investigators did not recommend charges, by their own admission, is because of the extremely questionable nature of Biden’s health.

The fact that this report contains damning information about the President’s conduct, and ability, didn’t stop left wing pundits from attempting to obfuscate the truth on the matter, namely, Ari Melber of MSNBC. In Melber’s coverage of the Hur report, the diminutive MSNBC host claimed that the Hur investigation ‘cleared’ Joe Biden of any wrongdoing. Melber said:

“This exhaustive investigation led by a Trump-era holdover prosecutor cleared him of the wrongdoing of classified documents. No charges, end of story, case closed, good news”

Ari Melber on Hur Investigation

Clearly Melber either did not read the report, or is willfully obfuscating the Special Counsel’s conclusions.

Melber incredibly also makes the false claim that Robert Hur is connected to Donald Trump, or holds a loyalty to Trump. Hur actually worked within the Justice Department both for former acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, as well as FBI Director Christopher Wray. The fact of the matter is that Attorney General Merrick Garland, a Biden appointee, was the person responsible for assigning Hur to this investigation. The baseless accusation by Melber that Hur is Republican is both false and laughable. 

The investigation, in no way, cleared Biden of any wrongdoing. Moreover, the oily MSNBC host fails to mention the fact that Hur is not the person responsible for charging President Biden. Hur, as an investigator, can only recommend charges. The charging is left to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who ultimately is supposed to have the apolitical power to decide whether or not Biden should be charged. Unfortunately, that’s not how the system currently functions, especially in the Biden Administration, as Attorney General Merrick Garland has overseen the most overt politicization of the United States Justice Department in the history of the bureau.

Being a fast-talking lawyer himself, Melber fully understands that Merrick Garland would ultimately be responsible for charging Biden, and given the fact that Garland was appointed to become a Supreme Court Justice by Barack Obama, and has serious ties to the most powerful elements of the Democratic political establishment, Melber knows that no charges will be brought. He’s simply trying to misdirect attention.

As far as former President Trump is concerned, he was President. Trump never had access to classified materials in any other political position, because he only ever held one office… The Presidency. The Presidential Records Act of 1997 essentially allows the President to retain whatever documents he wishes. In fact Federal Judge Amy Berman-Jackson once famously ruled that former President Bill Clinton was entitled to keep classified documents in his sock drawer during his post-presidency years.

The President also has full power to declassify whatever documents he wants. With the narrative that Biden cooperated with federal authorities now shattered, we have to ask an important question… Why was Trump raided, but Biden wasn’t?

Melber’s mischaracterization of this report is shocking to say the least, but only if you have never seen him in action before. Ari Melber routinely obfuscates the truth, using tactics such as AI manipulation and flat out lies to craft the narrative which is most beneficial to his allies in the Democrat Party.

Fulton County DA Fanni Willis Loses Her Mind During Court Appearance (Video)

Fulton County District Attorney Fanni Willis took the stand today in Georgia to answer questions about her relationship with the prosecuting attorney in the Trump RICO case, Nathan Wade. Wade reportedly had a sexual relationship with Willis, taking her on lavish vacations and dinners with taxpayer money he received from Willis’ appointment.

Additionally, Wade had no prior experience that would indicate he was a top candidate for the position of prosecuting Trump, leading attorneys in Georgia to speculate whether or not Willis only appointed Wade because of their relationship. Willis was forced to take the stand today, making a complete fool of herself, and even verbally combatting the Judge, and defendant’s attorney in the case.

Nathan Wade, Willis’ alleged boyfriend, stormed out of the court during the proceedings. See video of Wade leaving the courtroom below…

When Willis eventually made her way to the stand, the entire courtroom devolved into a shouting match. Willis spoke improperly, sounding more like a rapper than an attorney, throwing her hands up into the air and screaming into her microphone. It really was a full meltdown. See a video of that below…

How can this woman be in charge of anything? During her time on the stand, Willis also made several questionable remarks to the lawyer asking her questions, at one point telling her that what she was asking was ‘cute.’ Is this the conduct of somebody that is in charge of enforcing the law?

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZoneHistorian and Author Lord Conrad Black Discusses Trump, USA, and Canada—The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

Larry Hogan’s Damning Connection To Pedophile Judge Johnathan Newell

This is an exclusive Launch Liberty report. Please stay tuned to our site for all of the latest! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

It was September 10th, 2021 when members of the FBI issued a no-knock search warrant at the property of Caroline County Circuit Court Judge Johnathan Newell. The raid occurred at Newell’s property on Hooper’s Island, after the Maryland State Police had been investigating Newell for several months.

Newell was going to be taken into custody for federal charges of sexual exploitation of a child, and had been on a leave of absence from his position as a Caroline County Circuit Court Judge for several months. Police first raided his home in July of 2021 after several children who had been staying at Newell’s cabin in Fishing Creek, Maryland, reported discovering a camera in their bathroom while showering.

According to a public police report, two children were spending the night at Newell’s cabin on July 22nd, 2021, when one child discovered a hidden camera in the bathroom. The camera was reportedly in a small black bag, and aimed at the shower. Upon telling the other child about the news, the boys told their parents, leading to the parents contacting the authorities.

The witnesses even stated that there had been four other children, and one unnamed adult in the cabin with them on that night.

Police raided Newell’s home shortly after. Within the police report, Maryland State Police assert that while investigators were present in Newell’s home in July, that the Judge reportedly removed a memory card from the supposed camera, and swallowed it. Authorities then brought Newell for a CT scan, which confirmed that the Judge had swallowed a small metallic card.

As part of their investigation, authorities interviewed several other children that had connections to Newell, and had spent time with the Judge. The horrifying accounts of these children are enough to make anybody sick. The children stated that Newell would often ‘check their bodies for ticks’ while they stayed at his property, having the children undress. The children also recalled Newell touching their private areas during these ‘checks’. During their search of Newell’s home, authorities also discovered video footage of Newell molesting children dating back to 2014, and also videos of children showering.

After the FBI raided Newell’s home on September 10th, 2021, federal authorities discovered Newell dead, having suffered a reported ‘self-inflicted’ gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead at 6:43am. Suddenly, the FBI investigation into the prolific pedophilia of Judge Johnathan Newell was over, and Maryland State Police once again began investigating the apparent suicide of the pervert Judge.

Who Appointed Judge Johnathan Newell? Senate Candidate, and Former Governor Larry Hogan

Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan appointed Judge Johnathan Newell to become a Caroline County Circuit Court Judge on July 1st, 2016. Newell was in the middle of an astounding 15-year-term when he died, highlighting the seriousness of Hogan’s appointment of Newell. This was not a small position, or a position that was going to change. Newell’s appointment made local news around Maryland.

Why Did Larry Hogan Appoint A Pedophile To The Judiciary?

It is also important to note that the Maryland State Police are exclusively directed by the Governor of Maryland. This is why it was Maryland State Police that were tasked with harassing local businesses and communities over Hogan’s illegal and unconstitutional COVID lockdowns.

Isn’t it convenient that as soon as federal authorities were about to get involved in the out-of-control, serial pedophilia of Johnathan Newell, that he suddenly decided to commit suicide? Because of Newell’s death, the case was immediately handed back to Maryland State Police, who again, were under control of Governor Larry Hogan at the time.

Hogan is no stranger to pedophilia. Launch Liberty exclusively reported that Hogan had harbored a pedophile in his home back back in 1992. Kevin Lee Hall, a Hogan aide who was living with Larry Hogan in Upper Marlboro, Maryland at the time, kidnapped and raped a 17-year-old boy at gunpoint, eventually being arrested by authorities. Hogan’s Chief of Staff, Ronald Gunzburger, told the Baltimore Sun after the incident that Hall had been living with Hogan, and that Hogan was unsure if Hall would continue to live with him. Even after Kevin Lee Hall had been charged with kidnapping, and raping a 17-year-old at gunpoint, Larry Hogan was unsure whether or not he would continue to allow Hall to live at his residence.

Why Have So Many Associates of Former Governor Larry Hogan Been Charged With Pedophilia?

Considering that Hogan has been provably involved with pedophiles for, at least, the last 32 years, is it possible that Hogan was the individual that the witnesses in the Maryland State Police report described? After all, considering that Hogan was in charge of the Maryland State Police at the time, why did the report conceal the identity of the second adult present at Newell’s pedophile cabin, and furthermore, why is the identity of that individual still unknown to this date?

Larry Hogan harbored a pedophile in his home. He also appointed a pedophile to the Judiciary while serving as Governor of Maryland. What does this say about the individuals that U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan chooses to associate with? Another Hogan official, former deputy Secretary of State Luis Borunda, was charged with sexual solicitation of a minor in September of 2023. This only adds to the long list of pedophiles that have had a close relationship with Larry Hogan.

Another Circuit Court Judge in Maryland, Larnzell Martin, who was arrested for sexual assault and indecent exposure in 1998, shares ties to Larry Hogan through attorney William C. Brennan, who also served as Hogan aide Kevin Lee Hall’s attorney in his own trial.

As a candidate for U.S. Senate, Hogan is attempting to make the case that he represents the opposition to Trump within the Republican Party. If Hogan’s associations are any indicator as to how he conducts himself, it’s safe to say that he should never be allowed to step foot into the United States Senate. Considering how he governed the State of Maryland, we already know that he is incapable of performing in a position of government.

There should be a federal investigation into Larry Hogan, and those around him. There is substantial evidence that Hogan is involved with prolific pedophilia at every turn of his career.

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZoneHistorian and Author Lord Conrad Black Discusses Trump, USA, and Canada—The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

WATCH LIVE: Georgia DA Fanni Willis Facing Disqualification From Trump Case Over Affair

Fulton County District Attorney Fanni Willis will appear before a Judge today in Georgia to potentially face disqualification from prosecuting former President Donald Trump in her RICO case due to an inappropriate sexual relationship she engaged in with Nathan Wade, the prosecuting attorney that Willis hired to oversee the case against Trump.

It has been reported that Nathan Wade has raked in over $643,000 in taxpayer funds over the last two years. It has also been reported that other attorneys in the State of Georgia were perplexed by Willis’ choice of Wade for the Trump case, highlighting the questionable nature of the relationship between Wade and Willis.

The Judge presiding over the case against Willis is Judge Scott McAfee, who said Monday that it is entirely possible that Willis may be disqualified from the case against former President Trump because of her conflict of interest with Nathan Wade. Judge McAfee can quoted as saying on Monday,

“I think it’s clear that disqualification can occur if evidence is produced demonstrating an actual conflict or the appearance of one,” Judge McAfee said in Monday’s hearing. “The state has admitted a relationship existed. And so what remains to be proven is the existence and extent of any financial benefit, again if there even was one. And so because I think its possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification, I think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations.”

“I think the issues at point here are whether a relationship existed, whether that relationship was romantic or non-romantic in nature, when it formed, and whether it continues. And that’s only relevant because it’s in combination with the question of the existence and extent of any personal benefit conveyed as a result of their relationship”

Trump co-defendant Michael Roman, who is also being charged in the RICO case brought by Fanni Willis, will be presenting evidence in court today that Willis and Wade are, “intentionally withholding information,” in the case. There is a possibility that Willis herself will have to testify today.

Judge McAfee said that the issue ‘at point’ in this case is, “whether a relationship existed, whether that relationship was romantic or non-romantic in nature, when it formed and whether it continues. And that’s only relevant because it’s in combination with the question of the existence and extent of any personal benefit conveyed as a result of their relationship.”

Watch the full proceedings via RSBN below…

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZone: Historian and Author Lord Conrad Black Discusses Trump, USA, and Canada—The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

Biden Confused On Russian Nukes In Space, Shuffles Away With Jill

President Joe Biden was asked about the speculated national security threat that we reported on earlier today while walking outside of the White House this evening. Within our report, we hammered the fact that there has been no confirmation that the national security threat mentioned by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner involves Russia.

One reporter shouted, “President Biden, do you have any comment on Russia deploying nuclear weapons into space?” Biden responded by strangely saying, “Happy Valentines Day!” The President then shuffled away from reporters with First Lady Jill Biden, refusing to answer any real questions from the press.

Per usual, Biden continues to display glaring signs of a rapid and exponential cognitive decline. For other nations around the world, Biden’s daily foolish antics serve as nothing more than an invitation to take whatever they want, whenever they want. It took Biden becoming President for us to see real Russian movement in Ukraine, and looming Chinese movement into Taiwan, and a complete takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban.

Iran has also made major strides during the Biden’s Presidency, advancing their oil exports after the Biden Administration worked with the United Nations to lift crushing sanctions on the Iranian regime.

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZone: Historian and Author Lord Conrad Black Discusses Trump, USA, and Canada—The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Warns of Classified ‘National Security Threat’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner has announced that his committee has discovered an alarming new “serious national security threat.” Turner’s statement, which did not describe the nature of the threat, can be read below…

Today, the house Permanent select committee on Intelligence has made available to all members of congress information concerning a serious national security threat.

I am requesting that president Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss the action necessary to respond to this threat.


What threat could Representative Mike Turner be talking about? House Speaker Mike Johnson assured that the threat is ‘nothing to be alarmed about,’ as mainstream outlets have started to claim that the threat has something to do with Russia, which is nothing more than total speculation.

CNN reported…

“House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner has made information concerning a “serious national security threat” available to all members of Congress to review, the committee said on Wednesday. While Turner and the White House remained vague on what the threat entailed, two sources and a US official tell CNN the threat is related to Russia. Multiple sources familiar with the intelligence characterized it as “very sensitive.” One of the sources who has seen the intelligence confirmed that “it is, in fact, a highly concerning and destabilizing” Russian capability “that we were recently made aware of.” But House Speaker Mike Johnson later sought to soothe concerns about the unspecified threat, saying there is “no cause for alarm.”

The truth is, we have no idea what this threat is, and the fact that this was released just days after the Putin-Tucker Carlson interview, with the mainstream media claiming that it has something to do with Russia with no evidence to support that claim, simply cannot be coincidence.

I wholeheartedly believe in the declassification of documents pertaining to relevant information that Americans should know about. It appears to me, as somebody distanced from government, that the obfuscatory use of classified material to provide narrative ammunition to the mainstream media is abhorrent.

Instead of warning us about the truth, they should give us the truth. Unfortunately, especially on the topic of Russia, I believe it is safe to say that our government cannot be trusted to give us legitimate information. When we examine the attempts to stop Tucker Carlson from interviewing Vladimir Putin, and the unquestionable U.S. involvement in the Nordstream pipeline bombing, our government has shown that they routinely lie about Russia.

I am in no way suggesting that the Russians can be trusted, but our own government surely shouldn’t be trusted, especially when it comes to Russia. The bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are, and always have been, a greater threat to the American people than Vladimir Putin, or any other exterior force, ever was.

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZone: Should Biden Take A Cognitive Test? The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

EXCLUSIVE: Who Funds The 3 Republicans That Voted To Protect Mayorkas?

Three members of the House Republican caucus sided with the Democrat Party today in voting against a resolution to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Though three Republicans sided with Democrats, the vote to impeach Mayorkas did pass, marking the first time that a cabinet official has been impeached since the 1870s. The final vote tally was 214-213.

We wanted to take time at Launch Liberty to expose the campaign contributions of the three Republicans who voted against impeaching Mayorkas in order to give our audience a greater perspective on why these individuals chose to side with the Democrat Party, and to allow the perpetuation of lawless chaos at our Southern Border.

A report released by ‘The Hill’ in late-January 2023 tells us that under Joe Biden’s Presidency, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States is set to double. Border Patrol estimates that over 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States under President Biden already, with that number set to steadily increase.

The three Republicans who voted against the impeachment of Mayorkas, essentially condoning this lawlessness at our Southern Border, are…

  • Rep. Mike Gallagher
  • Rep. Tom McClintock
    Rep. Ken Buck

Let’s investigate donations made to the campaigns of these Congressmen to see if we can’t find donors who would influence their vote in support of Mayorkas and the Biden Border catastrophe.

Rep. Mike Gallagher

Mike Gallagher’s largest donor, to his PAC called ‘Team Gallagher’ is a man named Thomas Tull. Tull is listed on Wikipedia as the former CEO of Legendary Entertainment. See Tull’s most recent $28,200 in donations to Gallagher’s PAC below. Note, the contributions are made to ‘Go PAC Go’, a political action committee in support of Gallagher, and ‘Team Gallagher’.

An analysis of Tull’s other campaign contributions show us that he has been a prolific donor to several political installations previously controlled by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Remember, one of the many issues that led to Kevin McCarthy being removed as House Speaker was his inaction on the Border. In addition to making contributions to Kevin McCarthy’s campaign directly, Thomas Tull donated over $760k to McCarthy’s ‘Protect The House 2024’ PAC, and the formerly McCarthy-controlled NRCC in 2023 alone. See evidence of those donations via FEC.gov below…

Did Gallagher’s top donor, Thomas Tull, have any effect on Gallagher’s vote against holding DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responsible for his failures? It should be noted that much like Kevin McCarthy, Mike Gallagher has announced that he will be retiring from the House of Representatives after his term.

Rep. Ken Buck

In a similar situation to Rep. Mike Gallagher, Rep. Ken Buck is also retiring at the end of his current term in Congress. An examination of his campaign finance data shows that a man called Richard Uihlein is among his top donors. Uihlein is the creator of ULine, a major shipping compamy, and also See donations from Uihlein to Buck’s campaign below…

A further look into Uihlein’s political donations reveal that he was a massive donor to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ PAC ‘Never Back Down’ in the 2024 Presidential Election. Is it any coincidence that Buck, who received donations from Uihlein, voted with Democrats to protect Alejandro Mayorkas? Uihlein gave an astounding $1.5 Million to DeSantis’ ‘Never Back Down’ PAC in 2023. One donation of $500,000 was made on November 2nd, 2023. Another donation, occurring on May 5th, 2023, was for $1,000,000. See evidence of those donations from Uihlein to ‘Never Back Down‘ below…

Buck’s top donor also has given a tremendous amount of money to the ‘Club For Growth Action’. Just in 2023, Uihlein has donated over $8.7 Million to the organization. In total, since just 2015, Uihlein has donated over $75 Million to the organization. See evidence of those donations below…

Club For Growth’s largest recipient of funds in 2023 was a Democrat organization called ‘Win It Back PAC’, which has funded anti-Trump advertisements across the country. Uihlein, one of Ken Buck’s top donors, is also one of the largest donors to Club For Growth, who is attacking former President Trump ahead of the 2024 Election.

Ken Buck’s donation record tells us an awful lot about the Congressman. Most importantly, it shows a recurring trend of donors that openly oppose the America First, Trump-wing of the Republican Party.

Rep. Tom McClintock

While McClintock’s campaign finances aren’t as ‘electrifying’ as those of Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher, there are serious ties between McClintock, highlighting a trend of McCarthy support amongst the three Republicans who voted with Democrats to protect DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

After McCarthy was removed as House Speaker, McClintock skewered the 8 Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy, referring to them as, “sad and pathetic mediocrities nursing petty personal grudges.” See video of that statement below…

It should be noted that McClintock’s donations have fallen off tremendously in the year 2023, and I expect, based on his campaign finance report, that he will soon be retiring from the House.

All three of the Republican members of Congress who voted against impeaching DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have serious ties to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and some share donors with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the Club for Growth. It appears that the anti-Trump wing of the Republican Party may have played a serious role in attempting to tank the vote to impeach Biden DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Why does the establishment donor wing of the Republican Party work so hard in order to move against the policies desired by the Republican voter base?

Check Out My Latest Appearance On The StoneZone: Should Biden Take A Cognitive Test? The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone

House of Representatives Votes To Impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

The House of Representatives voted today to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by a vote of 214-213. After an initial effort to impeach Mayorkas failed, House Republicans rallied support, and successfully passed a resolution to impeach the DHS Secretary in a historic vote.

Mayorkas is the first cabinet member to be officially impeached by the House of Representatives since the 1870s, marking new territory in the Republican fight against the Biden Administration. Three Republicans voted with all Democrat members of the House against the impeachment resolution. Those members of the Republican caucus were Rep. Mike Gallagher, and Rep. Ken Buck, who are both retiring after their term, and Rep. Tom McClintock.

House Speaker Mike Johnson can quoted as saying after the vote…

Alejandro Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, and Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so,”

DHS spokeswoman Mia Ehrenberg responded to the news of Mayorkas’ impeachment with the following statement…

“House Republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the Constitution for political gain rather than working to solve the serious challenges at our border. While Secretary Mayorkas was helping a group of Republican and Democratic Senators develop bipartisan solutions to strengthen border security and get needed resources for enforcement, House Republicans have wasted months with this baseless, unconstitutional impeachment,” DHS spokeswoman Mia Ehrenberg said in a statement.

“Without a shred of evidence or legitimate Constitutional grounds, and despite bipartisan opposition, House Republicans have falsely smeared a dedicated public servant who has spent more than 20 years enforcing our laws and serving our country. Secretary Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security will continue working every day to keep Americans safe.”

Johnson could be seen exiting the House chamber after the vote in the video below telling reporters, “The House has a constitutional responsibility […] we have to do our job regardless of what the other chamber does.”

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Has Serious Ties To Serial Rapist Harvey Weinstein

Before Wes Moore became Governor of Maryland, he served as the CEO of an organization called the Robin Hood Foundation. Moore accepted this position on April 25th, 2017. A statement posted on the Robin Hood foundation website acknowledging Moore joining as CEO from the time reads…

New York, NY, April 25, 2017—Robin Hood, the largest poverty-fighting organization in New York, announced today that Wes Moore, a nationally prominent social advocate, will become its Chief Executive Officer.

Moore, 38, is a social entrepreneur, decorated army combat veteran, and bestselling author. He spent much of his childhood in the Bronx. He is the author of The Other Wes Moore and The Work, instant New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers that captured the nation’s attention on what draws the line between success and failure in our communities.


Moore joined a team of some of the most influential people in America, including the all-powerful Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein served on the Board of Directors when Moore was hired as CEO, eventually resigning from of the foundation in October of 2017 over allegations of sexual assault and rape.

A report on Weinstein’s departure from Robin Hood in October of 2017 reads…

Until this weekend, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein had been a fixture on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation. But, facing snowballing accusations of sexual harassment and assault, he has stepped down from his seat among New York’s high flyers. Paul Tudor Jones, the foundation’s founder, similarly resigned as a board member of the Weinstein Co. around the same time, thus completing the statement.

Weinstein was later convicted on charges of sexual assault and rape, being sentenced to a total of 36 years in prison. What does this tie to Weinstein say about Maryland Governor Wes Moore and the company that he keeps?

It would appear that Moore has utilized this connection. Weinstein is a known close associate of Oprah Winfrey. See a few pictures of Weinstein and Winfrey below…

Winfrey has promoted Moore throughout his career, elevating his books and interviewing him multiple times. Is Weinstein the one who connected Wes Moore and Oprah?

One of the largest donors to the Robin Hood foundation is none other than billionaire Democrat mega-donor George Soros. Soros has reportedly give Robin Hood over $50 Million. Though this donation was made in 2009, it reveals the depth to which the claws of the darkest forces in the world had already been sunken into Robin Hood.

Their Board members include Jacklyn Bezos, and opponent of Wes Moore in the 2022 gubernatorial Democrat primary, Jon King. King also served as the Secretary of Education under President Barack Obama.

Remember, Robin Hood chose Wes Moore. Harvey Weinstein and company decided that they wanted Wes Moore to be their leader… Why?

Launch Liberty has been consistent in pointing out the support given to Governor Wes Moore by former Republican Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. We detailed several Hogan mega-donors who supported Moore.

We also detailed some of Moore’s donors during the 2022 Election.

Moore has also slandered the Republican nominee for the State Board of Elections, William T. Newton. Moore falsely claimed that Newton had been charged with ‘moral turpitude’ upon rejecting his nomination, a completely unfounded and libelous statement. Newton has never been found guilty of any crime.

With ties to Harvey Weinstein, is Governor Wes Moore the one who is truly guilty of ‘moral turpitude’?

Maryland Governor Wes Moore has serious ties to one of the most nefarious, evil characters in recent memory, Harvey Weinstein. What was his relationship with Weinstein like? Why has Moore never addressed his connection to the most infamous sexual criminal of our time?

Perhaps our audience should politely urge Governor Moore to address this matter publicly through his website. The People deserve to know the truth about their Governor’s connection to Harvey Weinstein.

Launch Liberty will continue to expose the truth.