via Daily Mail
- Soros donated $2million to a PAC that supported the reelection campaign of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx
- Cook County’s murder rate is the highest it has been since 1994
- He also donated to a PACs that prop up Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón and Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner
- Soros is most known for donating to Democratic presidents Clinton and Obama
- The Hungarian billionaire spent $3m on seven local DA races in 2016
- In 2020, he pumped $28million into Democratic elections across the US
Billionaire Democrat donor George Soros has bankrolled District Attorneys in America’s most crime ravaged cities, where criminals are being allowed to walk out of jail on low cash bonds or aren’t even being charged.
Soros, the most prolific Democratic donor, is most known for giving to Presidents Clinton and Obama but he has also been pumping money into a far-left effort to overhaul the criminal justice system by giving millions to a network of woke prosecutors in Democratic races.
Among them is Kim Foxx, the State’s Attorney for Cook County, Chicago, where murder is at its highest in nearly 30 years.
In 2020, Soros donated $2million to a PAC that backed Foxx in her re-election campaign. She won the race and has since offered deferred prosecutions and softball deals to criminals.
In 2021, there were more murders in Chicago than in any other year since 1994.
There have been more than 1,000 murders in Cook County, Foxx’s district, this year.
Soros bolstered her re-election campaign by donating to the Illinois Justice and Public Safety PAC.

Attorney Buta Biberaj is refusing to recuse herself from the case to remove School Board Chair Brenda Sheridan, despite what district parents say is an apparent conflict of interest.
Fight for Schools, the parent organization that filed to remove Sheridan, has now also filed a petition to remove Biberaj – who received a $861,039 contribution from the George Soros-funded Justice and Public Safety PAC during her 2019 election – from the case.
Ian Prior, executive director of the group, claimed Biberaj was ‘very involved in two of the very serious incidents’ that were catalysts for the push for Sheridan’s recall.
He said Loudoun County residents need to know the case will be handled fairly and that Biberaj’s involvement makes that nearly impossible.
‘It is necessary to have faith that the prosecutor in this removal proceeding has no actual or perceived conflicts, that she will go where the evidence takes her, and litigate this case with appropriate prosecutorial zeal,’ Prior told Fox News.
‘In this case, Commonwealth Attorney Biberaj was very involved in two of the very serious incidents that gave rise to the recall. There is simply no way that the people of Loudoun County can be confident in a fair process for the removal of Brenda Sheridan unless Ms. Biberaj either recuses herself, or is disqualified based on her conflicts of interest, and an independent prosecutor is appointed by the Court.’
The PAC spent over $500,000 on materials to damage one of her challengers. It’s a pattern that can be seen in other parts of the country.
He has also donated to PACs that support Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, who is being widely condemned for not cracking down on shoplifters and violent criminals.
Soros has also donated to the campaign of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.
He donated $1.7million to Krasner’s campaign, according to The New York Post.
Soros also donated to Super PACS that prop up Democratic prosecutors and politicians across Republican states.
Republican pundits say he has blood on his hands now for the deaths of innocent people like those killed at the Waukesha Christmas Parade by Darrell Brooks, a career criminal who had been bonded out of jail days earlier for other crimes.
In 2016, Soros pumped $3million into seven local district-attorney campaigns including races in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas.
He boasts of sending fewer people to jail, represented BLM and Occupy Philadelphia protesters and was funded by George Soros: Philadelphia’s woke DA Larry Krasner is presiding over a record crime spike
Larry Krasner, a 60-year-old longtime civil rights and defense attorney who sued the Philadelphia Police Department 75 times, won election in 2017 against a crowded field by billing himself as the outsider candidate capable of making radical change.
Krasner’s campaign benefitted from the largesse of controversial Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, who poured an eye-popping $1,7million into the race to support the Democratic candidate’s criminal justice reform agenda.
Under Krasner, the future years of incarceration have been cut by half, and the length of parole in probation supervision have been slashed by nearly two-thirds compared to the previous DA.
Krasner, who previously defended Black Lives Matter and Occupy Philadelphia protesters as a lawyer, has clashed with the city’s top cops over his reluctance to prosecute non-violent gun and drug possession crimes, despite a surge in gun violence and rising homicide rates in the City of Brotherly Love.
As of November 21, 2021, there have been 491 homicide victims, a 14 per cent increase from last year’s number of 436, and 283 in 2019.
The Philadelphia Police Department and Krasner have been at loggerheads over a steep drop in convictions related to gun offenses.
This year, police in Philadelphia have made a record number of arrests for illegal gun possession, but the suspects’ chances of getting convicted have dropped from 63 per cent in 2017 down to 49 per cent in 2021, according to an analysis by the Philadelphia Inquirer published in March.
Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw was previously quoted as saying that Philadelphia’s criminal justice system has become a ‘revolving door’ for repeat gun offenders since Krasner was sworn into office in January 2018.
Krasner has blamed the decrease on police submitting weaker evidence in cases, or on witnesses failing to show up in court to testify.
The progressive Democrat DA has contended that his main focus is on convicting people who use guns to kill or hurt others, not those who are caught being in possession of the weapons.
Krasner’s office has argued that there is little evidence that suspects accused of being in possession of guns are responsible for the uptick in gun violence.
Compared to the previous DA term, Krasner’s has imposed 24,000 fewer years of incarceration and 102,000 fewer years of supervised probation or parole since 2018.
n addition, under Krasner there have been 23 exonerations of offenders serving sentences for which he says a review found insufficient evidence.
The progressive Democrat DA has contended that his main focus is on convicting people who use guns to kill or hurt others, not those who are caught being in possession of the weapons.
Krasner argued that the city should be most concerned with structural problems, such as underfunded schools and high poverty rates.
‘Yes, enforcement is a small part of the story,’ he told the Inquirer earlier this year. ‘The big part of the story is not that. The big part of the story is this city’s chronic failure to invest in prevention that the community is crying out for. That is where we have to go.’
Krasner’s office has argued that there is little evidence that suspects accused of being in possession of guns are responsible for the uptick in gun violence, considering that the recent surge in gun-related arrests has not resulted in a significant decrease in shootings.
Police Commissioner Outlaw said in September that she and Krasner ‘just don’t agree’ on whether prioritizing illegal gun and drug possession prosecutions would reduce violent crime in the city.
‘Fundamentally, there are very key disconnects there, as far as which crimes we prioritize, and who believes what are the main drivers of the violent crime that we’re seeing,’ Outlaw said.
In late March, the Democratic City Committee voted not to endorse Krasner for May’s primary election, but he easily trounced primary challenger Carlos Vega and then won reelection on November 2.
via Daily Mail