On November 8, 2021, Governor Larry Hogan, Republican, of the State of Maryland sent the following email message across the state:
Dear Friend, Maryland has the unfortunate distinction of having the worst, most unfair gerrymandering in America. My predecessor Governor Martin O’Malley even admitted under oath that he rigged the process to elect Democrats.

However, the message goes on to say:
We finally have a chance to change this. Will you chip in to help us end the unfair and rigged system? … And this is where Larry Hogan starts to lie to the people of Maryland.
“Will you chip in to help us end the unfair and rigged system?” Chip in for what — Well, Hogan never really says. What he tells us is:
“Last week, I submitted to the legislature fair maps that were developed by the independent Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission. These maps don’t favor either political party and were developed with full transparency and the input of thousands of Marylanders. Meanwhile, the legislature’s partisan politician panel is meeting behind closed doors and refuses to even let Marylanders see or comment on their gerrymandered maps.”
OK let’s stop right there — as nefarious as that sounds, the fact of the matter is that is exactly what the Maryland State Constitution requires of the State Legislature in a redistricting year! Here is a summery as provided on the Maryland Constitution website:
Legislative Deadline: Governor submits plan to legislature on first day of regular session in second year following census. Legislature has 45 days to amend and adopt plan or adopt one of their own.
Basis for Deadline: Constitution
Effect of Failure to Meet Deadline: Plan, as introduced by Governor, goes into effect.
In a legislature that has a super majority of Democrats … that has a gerrymandered state … one that highly favors the election of Democrats for the past 10 years and will for the next 10 years … why would anyone lead you to believe that there is going to be any significant change in the gerrymandered situation in Maryland? Of course, the legislature’s partisan politician panel is meeting behind closed doors and refuses to even let Marylanders see or comment on their gerrymandered maps — They have 45 days according to the State Constitution to adopt a map of their own and that is exactly what they are planning for now. The legislature will meet in January 2022, this agenda item will be called in accordance with the State Constitution, a vote will be taken and a new set of highly gerrymandered maps will be adopted for Maryland. Full stop.
With that said, we must now ask: Why and for what is Hogan asking Marylanders to “chip in”? The entire process, including Hogan’s bi-partisan redistricting panel, has been paid for with state funds … so where is the requested money really going? Well, the appeal asks for the money to be sent to www.changemaryland.org. A name that would appear to support the idea that change can be made in Maryland. But, closer examination of the website reveals that Change Maryland.Org is a Hogan super PAC … one that will have no effect on the actions that will be taken by the legislature to redraw the maps of Maryland.
However, any money that is contributed to this super PAC can be used for a Presidential run in 2024 by Larry Hogan … and that is exactly what he intends to do with your money. Some will say: Good. I would support a run by Larry Hogan in 2024. Others might say: If my money can’t fix the highly partisan and gerrymandered condition of my state, why would I give my money to a Governor who might be a Maryland Republican, but is, by any measure, not a national Republican. That is a question that every individual must decide for themselves —
Larry needs to stop pretending that he is fighting the gerrymander fight and come clean about 2024.