As President Trump continues to be indicted for the incidents leading up to, and following the 2020 Election, it is important to understand the far-reaching attempts to stop Trump from winning re-election in 2020, and to prevent him from running again afterwards in 2024.

The Transition Integrity Project was a program funded and created by a larger organization called ‘Protect Democracy.’ The Transition Integrity Project conducted a series of ‘political scenario exercises’ in June of 2020, just five months before the 2020 Presidential Election.

The ‘political scenario exercises’ conducted by the Transition Integrity Project in June of 2020 are a blueprint, even with guided instructions, listing specific political officials around the Nation, in order to create a concerted effort to prevent Trump from winning re-election in 2020.

The document begins by saying….

In June 2020 the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) convened a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts in a series of 2020 election crisis scenario planning exercises. The results of all four table-top exercises were alarming. We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power.

The document even goes on to proclaim that elected officials should ‘brace’ for a ‘rocky transition period.’ That part of this report reads…

Anticipate a rocky administrative transition. Transition teams will likely need to do two things
simultaneously: defend against Trump’s reckless actions on his way out of office; and find creative solutions to ensure landing teams are able to access the information and resources they need
to begin to prepare for governing.

This particular document was produced by a man named Norman Eisen. Eisen was the Ambassador to the Czech Republic under President Barack Obama, revealing yet another tie between the Transition Integrity Project, Protect Democracy, and the former President.

How could Eisen have known that Trump would be in a position of ‘contesting results’ all the way back in June of 2020, before the first ballot was ever cast?

Within this document, Eisen outlines several scenarios in which the Democrat Party, allied with establishment Republicans, could force Trump out of the White House. The scenarios recorded in the report include plans for the following scenarios…

As President Trump continues to be indicted for the incidents leading up to, and following the 2020 Election, it is important to understand the far-reaching attempts to stop Trump from winning re-election in 2020, and to prevent him from running again afterwards in 2024.

The Transition Integrity Project was a program funded and created by a larger organization called ‘Protect Democracy.’ The Transition Integrity Project conducted a series of ‘political scenario exercises’ in June of 2020, just five months before the 2020 Presidential Election.

The ‘political scenario exercises’ conducted by the Transition Integrity Project in June of 2020 are a blueprint, even with guided instructions, listing specific political officials around the Nation, in order to create a concerted effort to prevent Trump from winning re-election in 2020.

The document begins by saying….

In June 2020 the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) convened a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts in a series of 2020 election crisis scenario planning exercises. The results of all four table-top exercises were alarming. We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power.

The document even goes on to proclaim that elected officials should ‘brace’ for a ‘rocky transition period.’ That part of this report reads…

Anticipate a rocky administrative transition. Transition teams will likely need to do two things
simultaneously: defend against Trump’s reckless actions on his way out of office; and find creative solutions to ensure landing teams are able to access the information and resources they need
to begin to prepare for governing.

This particular document was produced by a man named Norman Eisen. Eisen was the Ambassador to the Czech Republic under President Barack Obama, revealing yet another tie between the Transition Integrity Project, Protect Democracy, and the former President.

How could Eisen have known that Trump would be in a position of ‘contesting results’ all the way back in June of 2020, before the first ballot was ever cast?

Within this document, Eisen outlines several scenarios in which the Democrat Party, allied with establishment Republicans, could force Trump out of the White House. The scenarios recorded in the report include plans for the following scenarios…

  • -Results were unknown on election night
  • -Biden wins Electoral College and Popular Vote By ‘Healthy’ Margin
  • -Trump loses Popular Vote, but wins Electoral College
  • -Biden wins Electoral College and Popular Vote by ‘slim’ margin

The document provides advice for elected officials based on each of the scenarios above, even unveiling a plan for scenario #3 in which Democrat state legislatures would have began to pass legislation changing the way American elections are conducted, undermining the sanctity of the Electoral College, and destroying the American Republic.

That particular plan even suggested that then-candidate Biden was going to use massive demonstrations in Democrat states to pressure state legislatures into changing the way our elections work. The list of actions Biden would take in this scenario are listed below…

  • -Organizing 1,000 “influencers” to denounce efforts to steal the election.
  • -Organizing all living presidents to stand with Biden and denounce Trump administration efforts
    to subvert the democratic process.
  • -Recruiting moderate Republican Governors such as Baker (MA) and Hogan (MD) to form an
    “Election Protection” Coalition.
  • -Working with local Democratic elected officials to call on the Adjutant General of the National
    Guard, along with representatives from the technology sector, to monitor vote counting.
  • -Organizing a bipartisan “National Day for Restoration of Democracy” and a “National Day of
    Unity,” both including faith leaders.
  • -Attempting a capital strike and a work stoppage as part of an overall effort to push corporate
    leaders to insist that all ballots to be counted.

The study then warns elected officials once again, giving them specific instructions for the 2020 Election. Those instructions read…

Planners need to take seriously the notion that this may well be a street fight, not a legal battle;
technocratic solutions, courts, and a reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here.

Dedicated staff and resources need to be in place at least through the end of January.

The news media has a particular responsibility to ready the public for the possibility that results
will not be known on Election Night, to communicate election results accurately, and to plan to
cover a contested election in a manner that reduces, rather than inflames, tensions.

If there is a crisis, events will unfold quickly, and sleep-deprived leaders will be asked to make
consequential decisions quickly. Thinking through options now will help to ensure better decisions.

The list continues, reading,

State and local election officials need to communicate with the public ahead of time, clarifying
how ballots will be counted, when results might be known, and how disputes will be resolved.
State actors should understand and use the legal remedies available under state law to address
confusion and questions about the count. State actors, particularly those in swing states, should ask: What are specific political incentives
for certain actions in the post-electoral period in their state? What is the risk that the state legislature or the governor would certify a result at odds with the popular vote? What are the risks that a complete count would be thwarted? What is the history of hate crimes and other acts of targeted violence? Who are the key influencers in the media and among local activists who can affect political perceptions, and mobilize political action? Can they be approached and briefed on these issues now, to establish pre-commitments to playing a constructive role in the event of a contested election?Groups, coalitions, and networks should be preparing now to establish the necessary communications and organizing infrastructure to support mass mobilization. If there is a crisis, almost every strategy to protect the democratic process is dependent on mass mobilization, and in particular, on people taking peacefully to the streets in large numbers, potentially for an extended period. Large, base-building groups on the progressive side will need to anchor this strategy, but their success will likely depend on supporting and resourcing new and emerging racial justice leaders, many of whom are not affiliated with formal institutions and coalitions.

The report even shockingly goes on to state…

Name the elephant in the room: President Trump is not running a normal re-election campaign

This document then outlines what must happen in order to ensure that Trump is removed from office, even delving into convincing the Military to defy their Commander In Chief, rejecting any order that Trump might make. That portion reads….

Congressional leaders should conduct oversight hearings, set clear expectations ahead of time about the conduct of the election, and seek advance assurances from the military and agency heads about their plans and conduct. The Department of Homeland Security should be pushed to more vigorously investigate and publicize evidence of foreign interference.

Military and law enforcement leaders need to be particularly attuned to the possibility that parti-
san actors will seek to manipulate or misuse their coercive powers for inappropriate political
ends. Concretely, at both the state and federal level, partisan actors (including President Trump
himself) may seek to deploy law enforcement, national guard troops and potentially active duty
military (under the Insurrection Act) to “restore order” in a manner that primarily benefits one
candidate, or to participate in efforts that interrupt the process to count ballots. Military and law
enforcement leaders need to plan now for these possibilities to avoid becoming unwitting pawns
in a partisan battle.

Civil servants should be educated about their legal obligations to uphold the constitution. Those
who speak out about abuses of power may need political protection and support, and legal assistance, as they may face retaliation.

Journalists and independent watch dogs can begin to cultivate sources and research stories now so that they are positioned to sound the alarm should actors inside or outside of government attempt to discredit the legitimate results of the election

The report even goes on to state that there will be a ‘Congressional fight’ on January 6th, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. That section reads…

  • The period from November 4th to December 14th sets the stage for a potential fight in the Congress on January 6th, 2021. The scenario exercises did not have adequate representation from individual states to adequately understand how the full range of state-based institutions and actors would likely conduct themselves. Teams were often able to convince state legislatures or governors to submit a slate of electors contrary to the popular vote, but it isn’t clear how realistic this political possibility is, or if it is being actively considered by either campaign.

It is important to understand that this project was created by ‘Protect Democracy,’ a 501c organization that was started by former Obama White House counsel lawyers Ian Bassin, Justin Florence, and Emily Loeb.

Is it a coincidence that an organization started by Obama lawyers were seemingly aware of exactly what was going to happen in the 2020 Election months before it happened, or could this be shocking evidence of a concerted effort by the DNC to control the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election?

Read that full shocking report from the Transition Integrity Project Here

As Democratic politicians and their cohorts in the mainstream media continue to proclaim that it was Trump who planned to ‘steal’ the election in 2020, and the search for evidence of a plot to ‘overthrow the government’ continues to yield no results, it truly is shocking to read a report like this.

It highlights the fact that the Washington D.C. establishment politicians and bureaucrats committed the very crime that they are accusing Donald Trump of day and night.

If a document of this magnitude existed on the Trump side of the political aisle, all involved would have been indicted by now. Fortunately for Norman Eisen, Ian Bassin, Justin Florence, and Emily Loeb, it appears that there is no punishment, or even acknowledgment, for establishment interference in our elections.

Punishment only exists for those who dare to stand against the establishment’s planned detonation of our American Nation.

Perhaps ‘Protect Democracy’ and the ‘Transition Integrity Project’ are what Biden was referring to when he stated during his 2020 campaign, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” See a clip of that moment below…


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