- –Salvador Ramos arrived at Robb Elementary School at 11.30am on Tuesday morning after crashing his truck
- –A school resource officer at the scene failed to stop him from making his way inside and barricading himself
- –He locked himself in a fourth grade classroom where he shot dead 19 kids and two of their teachers
- –It took police at least hour to breach the classroom to shoot him – and it’s now claimed they needed a key to get into the room
- –As they struggled to get him inside, desperate parents were held back from the school by cops with tasers
- –In new video, police are shown restraining one frantic man who asked them why they weren’t in the school
- –‘We’re taking care of it!’ yelled one officer who was holding parents back from the scene
- –One law enforcement official anonymously revealed cops took so long to get into the classroom because they needed a key
- –It was only when a staff member found one for them that they got inside, according to NPR
Shocking new video has emerged showing Texas cops restraining parents as they tried to rescue their kids on Tuesday after a gunman unleashed terror inside the elementary school, as questions grow over why it took so long to get to the shooter after the first 911 call.
Salvador Ramos, 18, arrived at the school in Uvalde at 11.30am, crashing his car into a ditch.
A school resource officer was at the scene but he failed to stop him from making his way inside.
Two other cops also rushed to the school at that time – Ramos had just shot his grandmother in the face at their home less than five miles away. She survived and called the police.
When they arrived, Ramos is said to have shot at them then ran into the school, where he barricaded himself in the fourth grade classroom and shot 19 kids and two teachers dead.
It took another 90 minutes from that point for police to declare the shooting over.
Now, sources say police were struggling to get into the classroom and needed a key to open the door.
Eventually, a border patrol agent was able to get inside and the shooting was declared over at 1.06pm.
But it questions remain over why it took police so long to get into the classroom where the kids were trapped with the gunman.
One child told KENS 5 that he was able to hide under a desk, but that a girl who yelled out ‘help’ when police arrived was executed.
‘When the cops came, the cop said: “Yell if you need help!” And one of the persons in my class said ‘help.’ The guy overheard and he came in and shot her. The cop barged into that classroom. The guy shot at the cop. And the cops started shooting,’ the boy said.
One shocking video shows them even holding some parents back as they tried to get inside. The footage shows a parent being pinned to the ground by an officer, while another carrying a taser stands guard nearby.
Other footages shows parents begging the cops: ‘What are you doing!? Get inside the building!’

Another woman could be heard to say ‘They’re trapped inside’ as howls of pained anguish rang out in the background.
It was unclear at what time the footage was shot. It also emerged Wednesday that Customs and Border Patrol agents who rushed to the scene had to grab a key from school staff to open the door of the classroom where the bloodbath took place.
That is because they were unable to break the door down themselves.
The first 911 call was received at 11:32am on Tuesday, and the gunman was killed at 1pm – after a Border Patrol agent was given a key to the door, behind which the gunman was barricaded with the fourth grade class.
Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said he raced to the school when he heard about the shooting, arriving while police were still gathered outside the building.
Upset that police were not moving in, he raised the idea of charging into the school with several other bystanders.
‘Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,’ he said.

‘More could have been done. They were unprepared.’
He added: ‘There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing until it was far too late.
‘The situation could’ve been over quick if they had better tactical training, and we as a community witnessed it firsthand.’
One woman was yelling at the police outside the school, said Juan Carranza, 24, who lives opposite.
He said she was screaming: ‘Go in there! Go in there!’
Carranza said the officers did not go in.
Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw told reporters that 40 minutes to an hour elapsed from when Salvador Ramos, 18, opened fire on the school security officer to when the tactical team shot him, though a department spokesman said later that they could not give a solid estimate of how long the gunman was in the school or when he was killed.
‘The bottom line is law enforcement was there,’ McCraw said.
‘They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.’
Meanwhile, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation told AP the Border Patrol agents had trouble breaching the classroom door and had to get a staff member to open the room with a key.
Cazares said he wanted answers from local authorities as to why the shooter was not stopped before or during the attack.
‘I’m a gun owner and I do not blame the weapons used in this tragedy,’ he said.
‘I’m angry how easy it is to get one and young you can be to purchase one.’
The massacre is the worst school shooting in the United States since Sandy Hook in 2012, when 20 children and six teachers were killed.
Ramos on Tuesday first shot his 66-year-old grandmother Cecilia Gonzalez in the face, leaving her severely injured, before stealing her pickup truck and driving towards the school.
Unable to drive, he crashed into a ditch and then ran to the school on foot, where he was met by an armed security guard.
Yet he was still able to enter the school and kill 21 people – and was not stopped until around 1pm, when a Border Patrol agent backed up by a tactical team shot him dead.
One of those involved in training schools how to deal with an active shooter lost his wife in Tuesday’s tragedy.
Ruben Ruiz, 43, a veteran detective and SWAT team member, works as a police officer for the school district, and on March 22 held an active shooter drill at the school.
His wife Eva Mireles, 44, was one of the two teachers killed by Ramos on Tuesday.
Uvalde, home to 16,000 people, is 80 miles west of San Antonio.
Steve McCraw, director of the Texas department of public safety (DPS), said on Wednesday that a ‘brave’ school resource officer ‘approached him’ and ‘engaged him’ – but added that ‘gunfire was not exchanged.’ He did not explain why.
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