This post marks the 1000th article published by since we started back on January 9th, 2021. In just 694 days, Launch Liberty has changed the national political landscape.
Averaging 1.4 posts per day, our site has reached over 8 million visitors in just the last 8 months. Our articles have been published in sites like the Gateway Pundit, the Geller Report, and many others.
We exposed Bill Gates for funding Republican RINOs during the 2022 Election. This article recorded over 250k hits on Launch Liberty alone. We even followed up afterwards to show the results, confirming that nearly all of the Gates-funded Republicans secured victories.
Launch Liberty was the only outlet to expose Paul Singer, the top Paul Ryan donor, for buying of the 2022 Republican ticket. Singer runs a group of wealthy Republican donors called the ‘American Opportunity Alliance.’ This group dumped $2.5 Million into the 2016 Marco Rubio for President Campaign.
Singer also was the top funder of Rudy Giuliani’s 2007 Presidential bid, even loaning his personal jet to Rudy. Was this a possible reason that the Trump 2020 Election lawsuits did not succeed?
When Singer failed to stop Trump with his funding of the Washington Free Beacon, which provided research to Fusion GPS for the Steele Dossier. That same dossier was used to grant FISA warrants to the FBI to spy on candidate/President Trump.
Launch Liberty exposed the truth. Where others were afraid to report the full truth, we did.
We also published an article picked up by Gateway Pundit revealing that Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland’s son-in-law donates to a PAC that has funded ‘the Squad’ since their inception.
On a local level in Maryland, Launch Liberty was the only outlet to consistently cover the lawlessness of the MDGOP, exposing corruption from every angle.
Launch Liberty exposed the truth about Nicolee Ambrose before she ever secured her nomination in District 2. We reported on the fact that as National Committeewoman, Ambrose was not legally allowed to run for office. She did anyway.
More recently, we exposed the Ambrose campaign for paying over $28k to a company owned by her ‘Communications Director’ Gary Collins.
This came after we released a bombshell report with Worcester County Commissioner-Elect Caryn Abbott, detailing that Collins, who also serves as the 3rd Vice Chairman of the MDGOP, took money from her campaign for mailers that he never actually sent.
We also were among the first to call out Hogan-appointed Judge Joseph Getty for illegally extending candidate filing deadlines, which were used by the MDGOP Establishment to secure controlled opposition across the State.
This site showed you, in live time, that the MDGOP was doing nothing to support Gubernatiorial candidate Dan Cox. The Republican State Central Committee had raised over $1 Million for Larry Hogan in both of his gubernatorial runs. They raised $0 for Cox.
Launch Liberty also exposed Maryland Election Administrator Linda Lamone and her conflict of interest. Lamone also serves on the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission, allowing her to punish politicians who question the election system she controls.
Through our investigations, Launch Liberty was among the only outlets to call out the Hogan MDGOP for supporting Democrat Wes Moore during this election. Our investigation into prolific Hogan donor Gary Mangum has received over 50k hits.
The Mangum connection got our attention. We began to dig into the Maryland State Campaign finance report. The result was the following investigation, which revealed that many Maryland Republicans share the exact same donors as their Democrat ‘opponents’.
This list includes Delegate Steve Hershey, who was recently selected as the House Minority Leader.
Beyond the Hogan RINO influence in the 2022 Election, Launch Liberty has been at the forefront of exposing Larry Hogan before a potential 2024 run. We were among the first to report on ‘An America United’, a PAC being used by Hogan to raise money for a Presidential run.
We also showed that a Hogan visit to RINO Christine Drazan in Oregon yielded a $1 Million donation from the Republican Governor’s Association. Hogan serves on their board.
Even with all of these written investigations, Launch Liberty has still managed to produce 79 episodes of the Troy Smith Show. We have interviewed major candidates all across the State.
We interviewed Dan Cox on the day that he announced his candidacy, July 4th, 2021. Cox would go on to become the Republican Nominee for Governor.
We later interviewed his running mate, Gordana Schifanelli. In addition to being the Republican Nominee for Lt. Governor, she also runs a grassroots organization called ‘Kent Island Patriots’.
Launch Liberty would later interview both Gordana and Dan together, the only interview that I know of featuring both candidates.
We exposed the story of Angela Harders, a local teacher who was fired after getting a medical exemption for mask mandates in Montgomery County Schools.
We interviewed Senior Health Policy Expert Matt McBride. We warned about the vaccines, and lingering COVID measures that were completely based in delusion.
With, we exposed the truth about fraudulent election nationwide.
We were at the forefront of the California Recall efforts, interviewing activists across the State of California. We exposed Kevin McCarthy and what he did to the California Legislator upon his departure. He handed unilateral control to the Democrats.
We made our voices heard and joined local activists at the FDA in order to protest COVID Vaccines being approved and recommended for children ages 5-11. Homeland Security was called on us, and our friend Richard Citizen Journalist was attacked by an angry passerby.
We exposed first hand accounts of the illegal torture of January 6th defendants with activist Anders Bruce.
Launch Liberty also hosted Federal Whistleblower Jon McGreevey, who exposed Child Trafficking Rings across America. McGreevey would later be arrested by local authorities in a controversial situation that made NATIONAL HEADLINES.
We interviewed Republican Nominee for Attorney General in Maryland, Michael Anthony Peroutka.
These are just a handful of examples of what Launch Liberty has been able to accomplish in just 694 days of action.
It was all made possible because of YOU, the audience. Without your sharing of the articles, we would be nothing. Without your support, this would all be for nothing.
Sincerely, thank you. Thank you all for believing in this Nation, and for believing in this organization. Together we have changed the world.
In just 694 days we have produces 1000 articles, and over 75 hours of produced video content. There is no telling where we can go from here.
To support my efforts in continuing this fight, consider a subscription at This fight is far from free, and any support at all is a tremendous help.
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