The Gateway Pundit recently posted an article detailing the actions of Arizona ‘Oath Keeper’ Ray Epps on January 5th and 6th. In the article, it is revealed that Epps has not been arrested following the protest.
Epps was initially placed in the photographs of wanted individuals surrounding the protests. He was featured as picture #16, as you can see below. This post was made by the FBI on January 8th.

This is what the FBI site looks like as of now…

What was Epps doing at the protest? We have many videos that show that he was one of the main individuals telling people to go to, and enter the Capitol.
Here is Ray Epps on the night of January 5th telling an interviewer that Americans need to ‘go into the Capitol tomorrow’.
I just played this video for AG Merrick Garland. He refused to comment on how many agents or assets of the federal government were present in the crowd on Jan 5th and 6th and how many entered the Capitol.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) October 21, 2021
Epps obviously had plans to encourage people to enter the Capitol. That is exactly what he did. Here is a video of Epps on January 6th telling protestors to “Go to the Capitol, where our problems are”…
Why was Ray Epps shouting directions to the Capitol at Trump supporters walking to Stop The Steal Rally on the Ellipse on Jan 6th?
— @SassyConservativeGirl45 (@SassyConservat1) October 25, 2021
Epps did not stop with words. There is video evidence suggesting that he may have provoked the first incident of violence at the Capitol.
As protestors approach the first police barricade, protestor Ryan Samsel begins to get violent with police. He is then stopped by Epps. Epps then whispers something to Samsel, followed by a push from Samsel and the rest of the crowd.
Did #RayEpps Set up Ryan Samsel, who had an extensive criminal record? Watch, as he whispers in his ear snd then disappears as Samsel breaks through the Capitol Police barrier, allowing protesters to enter Capitol grounds.
— @SassyConservativeGirl45 (@SassyConservat1) October 25, 2021
So far, Epps has openly espoused that Americans should enter the Capitol, and colluded with Ryan Samsel to overtake the police. Samsel himself is still in jail to this day, Epps is free.
Next, Epps made his way to the Capitol steps where he can be seen pushing a Trump sign over the police.
#RayEpps helps protesters lift massive Trump sign over the heads of Capitol Police.
— @SassyConservativeGirl45 (@SassyConservat1) October 25, 2021
Epps is on far right corner of the sign (wearing camo jacket and red MAGA hat). Once the sign covers the heads of the police officers, & agitators encourage them to rush police, he walks away
Epps is on the Capitol steps in this video. A crime that hundreds have been charged for.
Why is Ray Epps getting special treatment while people that were right next to him are sitting in solitary confinement? One may speculate that he was working with the Feds.
As mentioned earlier, Epps is a member of the ‘Oath Keepers’. Here he is with ‘Oath Keepers’ leader Stewart Rhodes.

Stewart Rhodes has ALSO not been arrested following the events of January 6th. Members of ‘Beer Politics’ tracked down Epps to his home and questioned why he is still a free man.
Epps obviously had nothing to say.
Is this man one of the many people working with the Feds in that crowd on January 6th? If so, this man quite literally provoked a lot of the ‘violence’ that occurred on that day.
How many Feds were in the crowd that day? WE MUST DEMAND THE TRUTH!