The San Diego Board of Education has been caught offering a ‘volunteer service’ to allow their teachers to teach migrant children in person at the overrun border facilities.

This is while the schools that the teachers are supposed to be working at are CLOSED due to COVID 19. SDUSD is only providing online classes to its own students, while offering in person education to illegal immigrants.

In person schooling for the citizens isn’t supposed to resume until MID APRIL. It is hybrid as well, so it won’t be the full in person schooling that the illegals receive.

When asked about the plan, the board responded to Fox News with the following statement…

“The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is providing the educational program for the unaccompanied migrant children who will be staying at the San Diego Convention Center through July. All children in California, regardless of immigration status, have a constitutional right to education. We also have a moral obligation to ensure a bright future for our children,”

Who is paying the bills, exactly? It isn’t the illegal immigrants. It is the PARENTS of the 130k kids who attend San Diego Schools. The taxpayers who followed the rules, paid their share, and did their duty. They get ZERO respect from the liberal establishment. In fact, they get treated worse because of their competence.

San Diego Convention Center child migrants

The students of San Diego didn’t have a special program for in person learning. A special place to help further themselves. They were locked out of the building.

It shows where the San Diego Education system has its priorities. The pompous Board of Education has obviously forgotten who pays the bills.

Every single person who signed off on this lunacy should be fired, immediately. The people of that community should demand nothing less.

As for the teachers, they are absolutely disgusting. For this entire year we have seen teacher association after teacher association preventing in person learning. Fears of COVID and a “need for a vaccine” have clearly taken precedent over OUR children.

But wait a minute.

The COVID positivity rate for the illegals is about 9%, or 82/700 children.

The COVID positivity rate for the city of San Diego? .0018%.

The facts are clear. These teachers don’t have a fear of COVID, but a disdain for the people who pay their bills, and fill their schools. What is on display here is a HATRED of the American people. Liberal HATRED.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the question and dismissed it completely. She refused to acknowledge the fact that the illegals were offered in person education BEFORE the children of the taxpayers.

Psaki, what exactly do the parents of San Diego owe the illegal immigrants? The reasoning behind the BS is irrelevant. The illegal immigrants were offered in person education BEFORE THE STUDENTS. Why do illegals have any precedent at all? They shouldn’t even be here in the first place!

I believe that the education system in this country deserves to fail. It has corrupted itself into a state of perpetual negativity. I wish I could call it useless, but it is far too destructive. The education system, and the educators of this country have revealed the truth…

They HATE You. They always have.

Pull your kids out of these schools. Stop giving them your money. They are an embarrassment to our country, and a slap in the face to our citizens. Want education reform? Outlaw the Teacher’s Unions and abolish the Department of Education.

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