As we all watch the ongoing actions and activities of the Biden Administration, I find myself humming that Frank Sinatra tune “I Did It My Way” … It’s the opening two verses that keep running through my head:

“And now, the end is near … And so, I face the final curtain … My friend, I’ll make it clear … I’ll state my case, of which I am certain … I’ve lived a life that’s full … I traveled each and every highway … And more, much more … I did it, I did it my way.”

This comes to mind as I watch the country I love and have served slip slowly into the darkness and despair that can only come from the terrible course we are currently charting. The list of activities is unimaginably long since January 20, 2021, but it recounts in chapter and verse the headlong plunge we are making into that dark abyss.

Since that date, an estimated 1.5 million illegals have crossed our southern border and those are the ones we know about. Adding to an estimated illegal presence of some 30-40 million … not the 11 million that the Administration keeps speaking about. In a country that was energy independent on that date of January 20, we now have rising fuel prices at the pump as well as rising prices for natural gas and heating oil … and winter is coming. Inflation is rising rapidly with no sign of stopping … and the plan is to spend well over 5 trillion dollars on “human infrastructure” … whatever that is!

COVID, rising taxes, rising fuel costs, rising food and clothing costs and a continuation of supply line interruptions that are now quite possibly manmade to disrupt the world economy … a totally botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, a combat decorated Marine Corps Officer in the brig for speaking truth to power, Americans incarcerated in the DC jail for the crime of trespassing and more arrests by the FBI on the way … the list goes on … and now this —

The Biden Justice Department’s Lawless Threat Against American Parents” — By Andrew C. McCarthy October 5, 2021, National Review:

Even as President Biden shrugged his shoulders over progressives’ harassment and intimidation of a sitting United States senator of his own party — a crime under Arizona law — Biden’s Justice Department was running roughshod over the First Amendment, threatening to investigate and prosecute parents for protesting against school boards and teachers who insist on indoctrinating children with the cultural Marxism beloved by Democrats.

On Monday, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum in which he wailed about the “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.Clearing his throat with an empty nod to the inconvenient fact that the Constitution protects “spirited debate,” Garland incorrectly — indeed, outrageously for someone of his experience as a Justice Department official and federal appellate judge — claimed that free-speech principles yield not only to “threats of violence” but also to “efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.”  Garland has now issued a memo directing the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to investigate alleged threats being made against school board officials by a growing coalition of parents who are outraged by the imposition of racialized curricula and COVID-driven shutdowns and mask mandates in their local classrooms”.

This simply does not bode well for the future of America. It’s not a long leap from FBI to KGB …

or from the Department of Justice to the Ministry of Justice. For those who do not remember, the Ministry of Justice in the Soviet Union was responsible for courts, prisons, and probations. Further responsibilities included criminal justice policy, sentencing policy, and prevention of re-offending in the USSR.

So, with these latest actions from the Biden Administration, we are compelled to look back in time to the days our Constitution was written. This is important because words that were spoken by our Founding Fathers that seemed to have faded over the course of time are now coming back to haunt us … history tells us that upon adoption of the final Constitution, “surveying the final product evolved from their Virginia plan Edmund Randolph and George Mason warn fellow delegates that such a constitution would end either in monarchy or in a tyrannical aristocracy. And voted against it.”

This, about those words spoken in 1787: “end either in monarchy or in a tyrannical aristocracy” … I believe that there is a strong case to be made, given the overwhelming number of Executive Orders signed by this Administration, that we have now touched on the trapping of a monarchy supported and sustained by a tyrannical aristocracy – the United States Congress. At the same time, we are reminded of the words given to us by Benjamin Franklin as spoken to George Washington – both men directly responsible for the Constitution being written and passed — “With a nod to Washington, Franklin expressed his faith that the constitution is likely to be well administered for a course of years yet predicted that it would end in despotism as other forms have done before it when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government.

End in despotism as other forms have done”. Des·pot·ism /ˈdespəˌtizəm/the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.

The Founding Fathers saw it coming — 234 years to get here, but the Biden Administration is fulfilling the very warning that we were given by Ben Franklin – “The constitution is likely to be well administered for a course of years yet predicted that it would end in despotism as other forms have done before it when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government.

So, it appears that the only way to stop this precipitous slide into the dark abyss of Marxism or Socialism or Communism or what ever “ism” you want to tag it with – the only was to stop it is to make sure that the election of 2022 is a fair election. If the Democrats are not reined in, if State Legislatures again make temporary rules to accommodate Democrat lawyers to the detriment of their election systems –   the long slow slide into the abyss will continue and we will have indeed fulfilled the prophetic words of Benjamin Franklin — “it would end in despotism as other forms have done before it …”

So, from Franklin to Sinatra …

“And now, the end is near … And so I face the final curtain … My friend, I’ll make it clear … I’ll state my case, of which I am certain … I’ve lived a life that’s full … I traveled each and every highway … And more, much more … I did it, I did it my way





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