Kim Klacik was a Congressional candidate in District 7 of Maryland during the 2020 Election. She received the endorsement of President Trump, spoke at the RNC, and was touted as an ‘America First’ candidate. She also founded a PAC called ‘Red Renaissance’ that is currently treasured by former 2012 Romney/Ryan CFO Bradley Crate.
Launch Liberty is back in the saddle today to expose the lies of Klacik, revealing the insidious donors that funded her 2020 Congressional campaign, and the influence that Klacik anticipates to have in the 2024 Election.
As mentioned previously, the treasurer to Klacik’s PAC and 2020 Congressional campaign in Romney/Ryan CFO Bradley Crate. See proof of that below.
Crate has slithered his way down to Mar-A-Lago, and is now the treasurer of the Trump 2024 Presidential campaign. Total infiltration. See his bio below confirming his work for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
Why would Trump bring on a Romney/Ryan CFO to run his own campaign? I began to investigate federal campaign finance data from Klacik’s 2020 campaign with Crate to get a better picture, discovering a troubling reality.
Kim Klacik in not only funded by Big Pharma executives, but is also funded by some of the largest Larry Hogan donors in the State of Maryland.
Her largest donor in 2020 was a man by the name of ‘Peter Nebenfuhr’. See that donation below…
Nebenfuhr claims on his Linkedin page to be a former Executive Director of pharmaceutical companies Merck, and Astrazeneca. See a screenshot of that page below…
Along with Nebenfuhr on the donor list, I also discovered disgraced former MDGOP Chair Dirk Haire. Haire was repeatedly exposed by this website for breaking MDGOP bylaws. He illegally endorsed Kelly Schulz during the 2022 gubernatorial primary, and also allowed for National Committeewoman Nicolee Ambrose to break Party law with a campaign for Congress in District 2.
See Dirk Haire’s donation to Klacik below…
Klacik also received donations from prolific Hogan donor Edward St. John. St. John followed the path of many Hogan donors in the 2022 Election, supporting Kelly Schulz in the Primary and donating to Democrats in the General Election. See St. John’s donation to Klacik below…
Despite publicly claiming her support for Dan Cox, Klacik was being funded by the same donors propping up Larry Hogan. The same Hogan who took every opportunity to attack Cox and his supporters throughout the media.
As stated above, St. John is a prolific Hogan donor. He donated $25k to the Republican State Central Committee in 2018 for Hogan’s re-election campaign. See that transaction from Maryland State Campaign Finance data below…
He was among the massive donors to the MDGOP during the 2022 Election cycle, a cycle in which this site detailed that the Republican State Central Committee did nothing to help their gubernatorial nominee, Dan Cox. St. John gave $100k to the Republican State Central Committee this cycle, and even supported Kelly Schulz in the Primary. Remember, the Republican State Central Committee was controlled by Dirk Haire at this time.
As an additional connection to the Haire’s, as Klacik has also received money from Dirk Haire as well as Edward St. John, St. John also donated to Haire’s wife Jessica in her 2022 campaign for Anne Arundel County Executive. See that below…
See the proof of St. John funding some of the most radical Democrats in the 2022 Election, including Attorney General Anthony Brown and $29k to the Democrat State Central Committee below…
Why are Klacik’s donors funding radical democrats? What does it say about her? Why are some of the most nefarious individuals in our system, big pharma executives, funding Klacik?
More importantly, why are Bradley Crate and the rest of the Klacik circus being allowed to infiltrate Mar-A-Lago? What does it say about Trump’s chances in 2024?
Despite record fundraising in her 2020 race, Klacik was decimated at the ballot box. It was not even close. Her formula is not a recipe for success… far from it. It is a recipe for infiltration and total failure.
Infiltration is the name of the political game. If we allow it, we will have nobody but ourselves to blame for our mounting political losses.
Launch Liberty will continue to expose the truth!